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Looking for tips for wood and vampire shrimp


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Ive recently become more interested in shrimp. I was wanting to replace a deceased giant betta with small gouramis but also wanted to try something different.  Im enjoying my goofy amano shrimp and they seem to be doing well so was thinking shrimp but maybe larger and Ive been doing some research but theres a lot of conflicting info. Anyway I unexpectedly found an unlabeled singapore wood shrimp with vampire shrimp so brought her home. So far she has just hung out on the front or underneath the HOB filter but Im hoping she will be more outgoing eventually. I know its a filter feeeder so Ive been dropping a small pinch of fry food in front of the filter 1 or 2 times a day. Is this necessary? One site says they dont feeding, they can live off of plant fragments ect in the water column? If this goes well I may add a another one in a few weeks or maybe a vampire shrimp. Some sites say vampire shrimp grow to 4 inches others say six +, so not sure if I have enough room? I dont want to overstock. Its a 32 G, 34"x 15"x 16". I slightly turned up the HOB and sponge filters. Sorry the pic is upside down, I dont know how to fix it.

tank mates are: 1 mystery snail, ramshorn snails, 1 assasin snail, 6 kuhli loches, 7 dwarf neon rainbow fish

Do you think this will work? Any tips or info is appreciated IMG_0525.jpg.9d9432738fc55dc1462cd53a6433b2ca.jpg

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On 7/19/2023 at 10:55 PM, Beckybettas said:

I know its a filter feeder so Ive been dropping a small pinch of fry food in front of the filter 1 or 2 times a day. Is this necessary?

very much so!  The wood shrimp is more commonly called a bamboo shrimp.  Maybe that will help out with videos and stuff on the research side of things.  They eat stuff off the water column, so having a food that stays suspended and multiple feedings is very helpful to keep them thriving.  They will find a spot and basically be there most of the day trying to get food.


On 7/19/2023 at 10:55 PM, Beckybettas said:

If this goes well I may add a another one in a few weeks or maybe a vampire shrimp. Some sites say vampire shrimp grow to 4 inches others say six +, so not sure if I have enough room?

Here is a very good, trusted source for me, regarding vampire shrimp care.  I hope this helps!

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On 7/20/2023 at 2:45 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

very much so!  The wood shrimp is more commonly called a bamboo shrimp.  Maybe that will help out with videos and stuff on the research side of things.  They eat stuff off the water column, so having a food that stays suspended and multiple feedings is very helpful to keep them thriving.  They will find a spot and basically be there most of the day trying to get food.


Here is a very good, trusted source for me, regarding vampire shrimp care.  I hope this helps!

That has helped me immensly. I have a new favorite web site. Thankyou.

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