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Moving Fish - Hydrogen Sulfide


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I have a 5 gallon with a female Betta (who was fine in community but better off not in my 20 g) and 4 ember tetras in a 5 gallon. Can I move 3 Corys and possibly the hilstream loach into the 5 gallon for a day or two until I have a chance to clean my 20 gallon of possible hydrogen sulfide exposure? What about the scarlet badis? Trying to save as many fish as possible just in case. 3 Platys are in 2 large jars until the clean out. Pet store said 0 ammonia. My bedroom smell said hydrogen sulfide for 15 minutes so no longer in water column I hope. 

Oh, and will moving too many fish at once kill my water chemistry?

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On 7/15/2023 at 7:13 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Oh, and will moving too many fish at once kill my water chemistry?

You'll definitely have some ammonia spikes.  All the fish you mentioned like a lot of air.   Do what you have to do and try to care for the situation as best you can.  If you're having an issue with the tank you're going to clean, I don't know if you plan to rinse or replace things like the media in the filter.  I would put half the fish in the small tank, half the fish in a bucket / tub with air and the ceramic media at the base of that bucket.  That will help to keep the media cycled after you rinse it.... or start the cycle on the new media.


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On 7/16/2023 at 2:15 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

If you're having an issue with the tank you're going to clean, I don't know if you plan to rinse or replace things like the media in the filter.  I would put half the fish in the small tank, half the fish in a bucket / tub with air and the ceramic media at the base of that bucket. 

Great idea! I can put fish in buckets. I have more than one extra air pump. And a large bin I use for substrate changes. Catfish would be ok in that since it’s not smaller than 20 gallons. My experience says catfish hate less than 20 gallons, even for a short time. Are there any fish that would be best for the small tank as far as tank mates? Think betta.

Going to remove as much substrate as I have time until I can remove it all. Just replaced filter media like 2 or 3 days ago.  Sounds like I may need to again after cleaning? If it’s contaminated. What is ceramic media?

On 7/16/2023 at 6:02 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


Ah yes, the one dive site I’ve been to has a hydrogen sulfide layer. It’s odd. Above it is freshwater and below it is like a brackish water? It looks like milk and smells like rotten eggs. Did your tank look milky? If you have an air purifier you can try running that in your bedroom


Not milky. But it all released into my room. I opened the door and ran the ceiling fan. Will open the window if I need to when cleaning (even though it’s been like 95 or 100 outside lately LOL). I’ve smelled it before so I knew it was some sort of gas. Googled hydrogen sulfide without the word aquarium in my search. It’s like sewer gas. Makes sense because it’s exactly how our house smelled when our septic tank was backing up gas into our house and a plumber fixed it. 

The cause is a mix of too fine substrate and a super large hollow decor item with no air flow underneath. Had problems with this decor item before that almost killed my tank. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 11:45 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

You threw it away this time, right?😬

Going to try to lay it down horizontally so water can flow through it. It’s just because no air flow exhausts underneath. Once I started cleaning under it for water changes, no issues until this switch from gravel to super super fine sand. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 5:35 AM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Going to remove as much substrate as I have time until I can remove it all. Just replaced filter media like 2 or 3 days ago.  Sounds like I may need to again after cleaning?

rinse it and soak it.  keep it wet.  you shouldn't have to keep replacing the media and you can off-gas anything that you need to with rinses and soaks.



On 7/16/2023 at 11:24 AM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Going to try to lay it down horizontally so water can flow through it. It’s just because no air flow exhausts underneath. Once I started cleaning under it for water changes, no issues until this switch from gravel to super super fine sand. 

A photo of what is going on would be really helpful.  I don't know if it's clear what or why things are having issues for you.  Decor shouldn't cause issues like this.  If the issue is circulation, that's a separate issue that you would need to address.

On 7/16/2023 at 5:35 AM, LoveMyPlatys said:

The cause is a mix of too fine substrate and a super large hollow decor item with no air flow underneath. Had problems with this decor item before that almost killed my tank. 

Photos really would help, Even with fine sand and pretty beefy decor I haven't had issues.  Let's review your filtration setup!

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Ok, thanks! I’ll take pictures later and send them. No problem.

 I only replaced the filter media because it had been like 5 or 6 weeks, maybe 4 weeks,  since last time, waaaay overdue. I was asking because I wasn’t sure if hydrogen sulfide can live on it. 

I have an HOB. I read lots of random forums online to come to the conclusion that the decor caused this mixed with fine substrate. Water flow issues in decor happened to other people. Some recommend an air pump inside the decor but I’m going to try laying it down instead. There’s probably 1/2-1 gallon of water inside the decor with no movement until I do water changes. Will send pics later when I clean. I don’t want to disturb it until clean because it spreads stale water when I do

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On 7/17/2023 at 1:59 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Here’s under the rock.

Also, dead snail under rock? Couldn’t find it anywhere but rock landed on a snail the day it fell and my tank smelled. Could that smell be a dead snail? Sorry he’s dirty. He’s covered in BDBS because I’m cleaning 



Oh man, poor fella. Dead snails are stinky! I bet with him removed your odor goes away with a water change or two. Make sure you test your ammonia.

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On 7/17/2023 at 1:04 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Oh man, poor fella. Dead snails are stinky! I bet with him removed your odor goes away with a water change or two. Make sure you test your ammonia.

I know. I told him sorry when it happened but he didn’t hear me. 😊

Tested ammonia twice since. It’s 0.

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On 7/16/2023 at 2:53 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

I only replaced the filter media because it had been like 5 or 6 weeks, maybe 4 weeks,  since last time, waaaay overdue.

Just to be clear, are you replacing *all* of your filter media or just the carbon? You should never replace things like the sponges/biomedia balls. That's where your good bacteria lives, and they last basically forever. A quick rinse in a bucket of dirty tank water every couple months is all you need to do with those.

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On 7/16/2023 at 4:40 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

The opening is at the base so all water is blocked from getting inside

There is usually air holes along the top of the decor to try to let air escape. They would be small but often aren't extremely small.

Ultimately, given the snail issue I would remove the decor piece. If that was your only snail it might be ok.  Any bottom dwelling fish could get stuck in there. I've had rasboras and stuff get stuck in there too.

On 7/16/2023 at 4:40 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:


Can you please show the inside of the filter?

I think there's a lot of confusion here because you might be using cartridges as opposed to other media types.

I believe this is similar to what your filter looks like.



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My filter is set up such that you replace the filter every month and there is carbon in the filter. Your picture looks exactly like mine. I never replace the blue piece, just the filter piece.

There are not the slightest tiniest holes in the rock anywhere. It literally just rots water inside. I dig it in the substrate pretty deep so it doesn’t fall down. 

The filter turns black. I’ve rinsed it in dirty tank water. It doesn’t get clean. I make sure I’ve had substrate long enough for the bacteria to grow on that before changing filters. 

I had 3 snails and hadn’t seen the 3rd for a while. I have 2 healthy egg laying nerites left. 

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On 7/17/2023 at 12:33 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

My filter is set up such that you replace the filter every month and there is carbon in the filter. Your picture looks exactly like mine. I never replace the blue piece, just the filter piece.

I would suggest looking into filter mods. Essentially, replace the cartridge with foam and then you'd never have to replace it unless the foam was damaged. You can use one piece of foam or modify it similar to this method.

Red = foam

Purple = ceramic media


This will give you a lot better overall filtration as well as biological stability.

Cory has a few videos on the topic as well as we have this thread here:

If the decor doesn't have any airholes it's not great. The way they make them in general is that it's meant to be buried. When you add it to the tank you'll want to make sure that the air is completely released when you add it to the tank. Put the item in the tank with the bottom upward and then release all the air by gently moving it to disturb anything stuck inside.  Place it in the substrate, make sure the base is buried in the gravel to discourage fish from digging and getting inside.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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Interesting. I’ll check into the filter idea. I noticed the sand doesn’t hold the good bacteria as well as the gravel did. 

You’re right. Poor design. I got the rock before I even set up my tank and knew nothing. It was a gift and expensive. I actually tilt it slowly and let a little air out at a time until it’s all out so the fish don’t get overwhelmed and my tank stirred up by the bubbles. The good thing about it is that algae grows on it to feed the algae eaters. 

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On 7/18/2023 at 5:51 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I would very slowly drill a small pilot hole or two in the top of the rock.

Good idea!


On 7/17/2023 at 2:43 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Cory has a few videos on the topic as well as we have this thread here

Thanks for the thread and video links. So far, watched a video. So helpful!

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On 7/17/2023 at 8:36 PM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Interesting. I’ll check into the filter idea. I noticed the sand doesn’t hold the good bacteria as well as the gravel did. 


On 7/18/2023 at 5:33 AM, LoveMyPlatys said:

Thanks for the thread and video links. So far, watched a video. So helpful!

I'm glad you're looking into filter modification! Cartridges are such a ploy to get our money and make a filter rather useless, except for water movement, in my opinion. I used them when I started out, and once I switched, I noticed a huge improvement in my tank's stability. Plus not having to buy them every month and mess with the filter constantly is much nicer.

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