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Upgrading tanks

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I'm looking to upgrade two tanks from a 6.5 and a 5.5 to 10 gallons. I can put the current occupants in my quarantine tank while upgrading,  my question is can I use the substrate/soil from the tanks or should I just get new, I know I'll need more anyway because they're bigger tanks, idk if it's worth transferring or not. 

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On 7/8/2023 at 4:42 PM, GisheryGoodness said:

I'm looking to upgrade two tanks from a 6.5 and a 5.5 to 10 gallons. I can put the current occupants in my quarantine tank while upgrading,  my question is can I use the substrate/soil from the tanks or should I just get new, I know I'll need more anyway because they're bigger tanks, idk if it's worth transferring or not. 

I’ve reused sand. I did rinse it really well though because it had a bunch of little pieces of plant roots and detritus. I got it out of the tank with a fish net. The same can be done with gravel. I am not sure about the aquasoils; I do not have experience with those.

I then used a seeded sponge filter and added some Fritz Zyme 7.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 7/8/2023 at 7:43 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

It’s loaded with beneficial bacteria needed to nearly instantly cycle the new tanks. If you want it to look nicer I’d put all the old substrate in and then cap it with new. 

bingo. its an instant way to have an established bacteria colony. can swap everything over and have fish in tank in a matter of hours.

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If you have a soil that doesn't break down (like sand or Eco Complete), you can rinse it (in water with something like Prime) and re-use it.  I've done that successfully and it should help to cycle your new tank.

Edited by Galabar
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In the tanks that are established I have fluval stratum, I switched substrates from gravel to planted less than a year ago but was able to keep the BB going with the filters and a bit of substrate under the new. Here are pics of what it looks like currently. Fergus wanted to be a show off, lol. 



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On 7/9/2023 at 10:22 PM, GisheryGoodness said:

In the tanks that are established I have fluval stratum, I switched substrates from gravel to planted less than a year ago but was able to keep the BB going with the filters and a bit of substrate under the new. Here are pics of what it looks like currently. Fergus wanted to be a show off, lol. 




Hi, I love your keyring. ❤️

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