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Anyone have issues with rattling noise? I literally bought this 2 days ago. I’ve read this is a common issue with these filters, I just don’t understand why Fluval wouldn’t just change the design 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’ve taken the impeller out and lubed the shaft with Vaseline, it helped a little but I still hear it. Running wo the lid on helps too but it’s just annoying that I have to even do that.

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I have AC30, 50 and 70. Not the Fluval versions

I have never had noise issues personally. All set in my bedroom tanks 🤷🏼‍♂️ They are extremely quiet, I legit hear nothing related to HOB.

But I can't say the same for another HOB I have. Or sponge filter bubble noises. 

Edited by Lennie
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I emailed Fluval and they want me to send in a video which I’ll send in tonight. However, it’s def not air trapped because I initially thought that as well. It’s the impeller rattling on the shaft which is just a bad design by Fluval. The tank is in my closet so the noise isn’t a big deal but it’s just annoying that Fluval made a product like that. Anyone try any other Fluval filters that are quiet? 

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I run the AC30 and 50 - they are silent, but it took some work and time to get them that way. For the 1st couple weeks, every few days I had to re-lube the impeller shaft. I used a q-tip and got into the impeller chamber and lubed it, not just the shaft. Now that enough bio slime has built up, along with the vaseline, they are silent. Don't even need rubber bands on the lid anymore. The AC usb nano filters are louder. Hope that helps!

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The Aquaclear filters are notorious for two things: (1) rattling lids, and (2) not restarting after a power outage (because the pump is external to the tank). However, I haven't seen a lot of complaints about the impeller, itself making noise...


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On 6/30/2023 at 1:57 PM, FishRKool28 said:

I’ll try to lube the impeller shaft more and just let it run for a while and hopefully it will lessen the rattling noise. 

FWIW, when I was doing this, the filter would be silent for hours, or a day or so - then start rattling again. Eventually it just stayed silent. Just make sure you remove the impeller and really get in there. 

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Hopefully the issue is clear on a vid, and the mfr or seller stands by their product. I will say that no way should a new filter be making a rattling noise, and if it is it's either a manufacturing defect, or user error. You might have already done this, but start stripping it down and see at what point, if any, the noise stops. Eg first (which I know you've done), run it without a lid. If that still makes noise, remove the basket with all the filter media. If it still makes noise then remove the uplift tube (so it's no longer pulling in tank water, just recirculating what's in the filter). If it still makes noise then remove the plate that goes below the uplift tube over the impeller. If it still makes noise (at this point all you have is the box, the motor and the impeller), well that's pretty clearly something ain't right. 

Another thing to check for is pressure/force from the filter side of the uplift tube on the plate above the impeller. I had an AC20 set up once where the angle of the filter on the tank resulted in the uplift tube being pushed down onto that plate, which the impeller blades were then clicking against. 

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On 6/30/2023 at 3:11 PM, FishRKool28 said:

Do I need to use a lubricant or is Vaseline just fine? 

IMO you shouldn't need either, for a new filter. A suitable lubricant around the impeller might extend the life of a new filter, or help refurbish an older one, but it shouldn't be what makes or breaks how a new one performs out of the box. 

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Man, this is a depressing thread.  ACs have long been one of the bedrock products in this hobby.  I got my start with them 30 some years ago -- used them religiously when I had as many as six tanks -- and they have been my no-need-to-think-about-it recommendation to everyone for decades.

Now? I'm a little hesitant.

Add that to my discovery yesterday that FilStars have been discontinued, and literally everything I had saved away re filters has been obliterated.



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On 6/30/2023 at 10:02 AM, FishRKool28 said:

Yea I have the lid off and it’s better, I guess Fluval doesn’t care about quality anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️

Aquaclear filtration is known to have this issue. You can also add something heavy to the lid to help.

It's a fluval issue, yes. It is also an aqua clear issue that's been there forever.

On 7/1/2023 at 7:20 AM, Monkeypoint said:

I have the AQ 20 and haven't had any issues with rattling, but I also have some hearing loss so maybe I haven't noticed.

It's just human nature honestly. Some frequencies bother some people more than others.

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A couple of Google searches to show common problems with the Aquaclear:



My advice is, if you want to go with a HOB, make sure that the pump is inside the tank (Tidal, new Marineland, new Tetra).


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I sent in a video to Fluval, I don’t think they’re going to redesign the product based off one consumer even though that would be the right thing to do. I moved on and just tune out the noise, the tank is in my closet so I don’t hear it unless I’m in there.

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On 7/1/2023 at 8:53 AM, Val said:

Man, this is a depressing thread.  ACs have long been one of the bedrock products in this hobby.  I got my start with them 30 some years ago -- used them religiously when I had as many as six tanks -- and they have been my no-need-to-think-about-it recommendation to everyone for decades.

Now? I'm a little hesitant.

Add that to my discovery yesterday that FilStars have been discontinued, and literally everything I had saved away re filters has been obliterated.



There are plenty of other filters that work. In fact, most filters work fine and will keep water healthy. Many people get too invested in certain equipment or brands. In reality, you could almost throw a dart at a list of filters and it would be fine. 

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I think it’s more the fact that I expected better quality from Fluval, I get that every product won’t be perfect but it was inconvenient. Other than the noise the filter does the job well, but to your point I’m sure I could have bought a Tetra whisper and been fine.

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