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Corey injured!!


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My Corey (~4 years old) is injured and it looks infected. I didn't notice this last night or this morning but the wound looks awful (see picture). I'm not sure if there was a fight but it lives in a 65 gallon heavily planted community tank with many 15 Enders, 23 Neons,  7 Kuhli loaches, 1 Hillstream butterfly loach, and 2 other Corey (1 albino and 2 of this type), and I also have 1 (very old) assassin snail.

I've separated him/her into a 10 gallon tank but I'm not sure what to treat with. 

General cure?  Melafix?  Pimafix?  




Also, do I need to treat others since it had this cotton/moss on its nose in the community tank?  

Edit to add: 1) I just realized I didn't add water details. I will add tomorrow but all are "normal" for this tank. 2) I'm not sure if this is my male or female but when checking everyone else in the tank tonight,  I realized my Corey laid eggs again after not doing so for about 6 months. All 3 of my Corey are over 4 years old. 



Edited by mud
Edit at end: water & eggs
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I can’t see the pics at all due to forum glitch but the “fix” products are quite frankly not worth using.  If you can describe the lesions until the pics can be seen, that might be helpful.  And “normal” for the tank isn’t always helpful, so when you can get us those numbers.  If there was breeding going on, then there could have been injuries.  Some species of cory chase very vigorously, some have more gentle courtship and breeding, so tell us the species affected, please, since we can’t see the pics.

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Looks like a nasty injury to the face  with a secondary fungal infection what I would do is  treat with a combination of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with ick X I would also add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons @mud


Edited by Colu
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@Odd Duck the photos are back up now.

One thing to keep in mind is the location of the wound here. Try to give the corydoras some space if the waterline is right up against the lid. We don't know what caused the wound, but it seems to have scraped or ran into something.

Shadows going across the tank and noise can make them dart across the tank.

Salt and adding some Indian almond leaves would be very helpful as well for recovery.

I wish you and the little fish the best, hopefully we see him all healed up!

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