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Lighting question


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So, I would really like to buy the Fluval Aquasky, because it mimics the natural light of the day. I currently have a Fluval Vista 23G tank with the original lights. Would I be able to attach the Aquasky to the lid, like the original lights, if I took the original lights out? I don't even know if they're removable. I just hope because they are the same brand I would be able to attach the Aquasky lights to the tank lid. I have to have a lid, so, hanging above the tank isn't an option. 

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks in advance! 

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On 5/31/2023 at 2:38 PM, eusher11 said:

Fluval Vista 23G

I watched the product video for your tank and it looks like the lid itself is a really nice part of the setup.  If you wanted to mount the aquasky you'd probably need to cut into that lid.  I can't find any videos on someone who has done that.  I don't know if there is a replacement lid option available online either that would allow you to use a traditional light.  There are some places on sites like etsy that do make lexan lids.  There may be a route to get one made using that option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for all the information! So sorry for the late responses, I've been trying to pass bilateral kidney stones for 2 weeks. I wasn't capable of much of anything other than drinking my weight in water. 🤣

I'm using low light plants, so I'm sure the light on the Vista is just fine. My plants all seem to be doing well. Was just curious if it was possible to upgrade! 

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