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Would a Black Friday Deals thread be allowed?


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@CoryI know promoting the coops competition is against the rules except for a few exceptions like the dollar per gallon sale. 

Would there be a similar exception for Black Friday deals? I'd imagine the effects on your sales would theoretically be limited because the deals are for a very limited time and ircc the coop doesn't have a Black Friday sale. 

I wanted to check before starting one. 

Also is there a way to DM a user on the forum? I would have asked privately if I could figure out how. 

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We don’t allow the Black Friday sales either. Really this forum isn’t here to discuss deals and products. It’s to offer help.

Every time someone shops elsewhere we don’t make the money, and often we end up doing the customer service. Half of our customer service tickets are for issues not even related to anything we have sold. 

Think of it this way, a car dealership doesn’t want someone posting signs in their show rooms to buy TVs and computers on Black Friday. They want them focused on buying a car. Our business is no different. We want customers thinking about us and not others.  

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