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Baby Brine Shrimp Dilema.


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I have a small dilema here.

when i feed BBS i dont strain it, i have no good way how. (though i could simply use some coffee paper, but i dont have any).

And according to the internet, a grain of salt, will kill mystery snails.

So should i be concerned here?

Itll be a 1/4gallon salt water to 20gallons freshwater ratio, it should just be diluted right?

or do i have a issue here?

@Guppysnailyou feed BBS, does this affect your Mystery Snails? or do you strain yours?


Edited by Theplatymaster
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I don't strain it (agree, too much hassle and i am not feeding fry), I dilute it. Will take a smidge with a pipete and put it in a larger container of water. I guess this reduces the risk?

I have had a mystery snail for a little while now so not sure. 

Hopefully someone comments, i am curious too

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On 3/19/2023 at 8:19 AM, Pepere said:


im not trying to be rude here, but my aquarium budget is like 0 right now, so i want to find out if i can keep hatching BBS.

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On 3/19/2023 at 8:08 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Guppysnailyou feed BBS, does this affect your Mystery Snails? or do you strain yours?

I strain and rinse. If you put them in a dish they settle to the bottom and you can remove some of the salt water to dilute. Or  use a turkey baster to suck the bulk off the bottom after they settle and dilute. 

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On 3/19/2023 at 8:50 AM, Guppysnail said:

I strain and rinse. If you put them in a dish they settle to the bottom and you can remove some of the salt water to dilute. Or  use a turkey baster to suck the bulk off the bottom after they settle and dilute. 

would there then be a suffocation risk?

and wont it be diluted with the tank water?

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On 3/19/2023 at 9:00 AM, Theplatymaster said:

would there then be a suffocation risk?

and wont it be diluted with the tank water?

It only takes a few minutes for them to settle to the bottom. I use a wide dish so it’s not deep. 
Yes it would dilute in Tank water but I choose to not risk putting that much salt in the tank. No one has scientifically studied what concentration of salt begins to irritate snails or out right harm them. 

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On 3/19/2023 at 9:15 AM, Guppysnail said:

No one has scientifically studied what concentration of salt begins to irritate snails or out right harm them. 

that would be useful to know.

i know that mini ramshorn snails dont care.

I have given my 5gallon/mini ramshorn snail colony, a overdose of BBS, like a lot of saltwater in the tank, and they DID NOT CARE at all.

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