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Question about stocking


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I have a 20 high, fairly heavily planted (please see pic); I have a dozen green neon tetras, 4 lamb chop rasboras, 1 sunset honey gourami, 1 hillstream loach, 5 Amano shrimp and lots of snails. I’m thinking about getting a dozen red nose tetras. The water parameters are very stable, so much so that I rarely need to do water changes. Would that be too much stock or would that work? Thanks for the help. 

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@Harpsandfish stocking is a very complicated topic discussion when it comes to aquariums.

From what it sounds like you should be fine adding the rummynose, however this is what i would do:

Get 6, QT them, introduce them, check water parameters, if everything is still stable


get the rest, and add them in.(QTing and everything).

Edited by Theplatymaster
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Add 6 of the smallest ones you can get, wait a couple of weeks, then add the rest -- also small. I have an "overstocked" 40 breeder and was able to add a couple of large groups of really small dither fish (rummy nose and marble hatchets) over a week and my parameters have remained stable.

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