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If you were to breed an egg scatterer what would it be?


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Howdy Nerms

Inspired by the last member's talk on egg scatterers - totally awesome by the way, not to be missed, I am going to start an scatterers breeding project.  I am curious what would you breed from scratch if building it up from an empty tank?  I am looking for ideas.  Please share.

Many thanks,



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I'm going to cheat. These NANF are technically "nest associate" spawners -- they scatter eggs over rock mounds in streams made by chubs. Notropis chlorocephalus Catawba Greened Shiners...


I _may_ be netting some in NC next month and bringing home as brooders . . .

Edited by Fish Folk
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Being I have albino Cory catfish in a 75 gal tank
with the food I feed them, I would have to say 
they spawn so easy that if I was collecting the 
eggs I'd be swamped in eggs & Cory catfish.

So if any 1 is looking at hatching Cory catfish 
it's really simple to do, I just don't have the 
space to set up another tank for them is all.

How To Breed Hundreds of Corydoras <link

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