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Making it fair for local customers

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Your live fish store Aqua Huna does not ship to Washington State but does to all other 49 States. I a local customer can’t call your store there not a number that is answered I have tried, So I must drive the 2 hours to see what you got and hope it’s what I am looking for, but you out of state customers can buy online see what there to buy and have it shipped to there door. It is my opinion that does not seem fair thank you 


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Our live fish store? We don't own Aqua Huna. They are their own company and choose not to ship to Washington state.

As a local customer we don't have a phone number, just as we don't for non local customers. The phone rings off the hook when it gets on the internet, you'd just get a busy signal. We'd love to have a number that locals could call, we've tried changing it and other tactics, it always leaks and just becomes non stop busy signal with questions from the internet. The internet fame the business has gotten has been good and bad for local customers. We have the buying power to bring in exotic species of fish and have a well trained staff. However lines can be long and phones don't stop ringing and things sell out quickly. Back when we had a phone, people would call in and ask how many of a fish we have, drive in and 30 minutes later we'd be sold out, and the customer would be angry. Even hundreds of tetras it would sometimes happen due to how busy we can get sometimes. Unfortunately we haven't found a solution and have only been able to trade 1 problem for another. 

We are 2 hours away for you, perhaps you should shop closer, I say this genuinely  as we are a small store that can't support a huge area with the footprint we have. 

As for seeing what we have, we show unboxings on youtube and post our fish that come in every week here on the forum. 

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