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Get to know everyone - 10 MORE questions


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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?
5.  How often do you test your tank?
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

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Fun lets see:

1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? A 280 gal Reef.  Was a great tank
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? Not counting the store, personally I kept roughly 1000 gallons +/- when I was at my most 
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Not much of a plant but a style. I want to do an iwagumi something about the carpet and rock. 
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Being lazy and saying "oh it can wait for later"
5.  How often do you test your tank? Monthly or when there is a problem, see the answer to "4"
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? Aquarium salt is a must.  I use it for quarantine and health.  
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? I have not use the newer planted substrates. Flourite was ok didn't see much difference. 
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) My python by far
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? blue yes currently have a patriotic red white and blue dumbo betta
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. Mopani and Manzanita.

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 75 currently, but I have a 125 in the basement that I'm going to reseal before I set up.
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 8 or so.  I have 7 set up now and two more almost ready to go. Mostly just trying to keep myself sane.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Something like likes my water and grows without too much messing around.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Aging water.  It's not too tough, but it is kind of a pain in the rump.  My tap water has a large pH swing (about 1.3 higher when aged).
5.  How often do you test your tank?  Fairly infrequently, The ones I'm still trying to get sorted out for plants I test a bit more.
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? Yes, pretty much daily for brine shrimp, but for a fish related issue it's been a few weeks.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? I have two with Fluval Stratum.  One just the Stratum and one with Stratum capped with some gravel and then sand.  I like the capped one best and I don't mind the substrate.  Plants seem to have a wider "sweet spot" with it.  The next tank I set up is probably going to have 1-2" of dirt capped with 3" of sand.  
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) My barrel aging/preheating setup.  Powered by a Kasa smart strip and hardwired Inkbird controllers.  It takes all the screwing around with heaters and whatnot out of the equation.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? Yellow, and... not really.  Though the one random furcatta rainbow that I have does have quite a bit of yellow.
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.  The woods, I honestly don't care much for larger stone in a tank.

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

my current tank, 20gallons
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

4, its the most i can get away with.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

Floating Plants, but my HOB splashes on them and kills them
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

Not spilling water on the floor
5.  How often do you test your tank?

around weekly, but i have no patern
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

yes! I bought the 14pound BBS salt from ACO, i still have like 13 pounds of it left, i just use that instead of aquarium salt, i used it yesterday to hatch BBS
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

Filter Floss, i can buy it in bulk for cheap, its very customizable, and do es a great job keeping my water clear.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

I like shiny blue/green in fish, i have a few platies with some blue on it, and my cories have a emerald sheen to them.
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

None of the Above, I would just fill the tank with plants

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What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 20 gallons
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?  2, one being a hospital tank because im kinda broke 🙂
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?  scarlet temple
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Nitrates
5.  How often do you test your tank? nitrates almost once a day, full test once a week
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? I do, the last time I used it was when I spotted some weird spots on my platys.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? never
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) probably my alkaline buffer, it just works so well.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?  my favorite color is probably green and I have sadly no green fish, but It would be cool to get some green neons 😄
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.    ohko stone, I really like how it looks

Edited by Sora
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I’ll play again. 

1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

55 gallons. Currently have two of them 
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

14. It’s literally the most I can handle with my crazy work schedule. And I’m out of space, lol 
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

I don’t really have like a “holy grail” plant, but I’m gonna convert my 20 long to a botanical/blackwater tank with Anubius and Ferns and I’m excited for that. 
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

Maintaining all 14 tanks, lol.
5.  How often do you test your tank?

I used to test every tank every week for like a year. Then I went to like once per month. These days I haven’t tested in a while, but I do water changes weekly. After seeing the same numbers for 2 years every week/month and doing maintenance weekly, every week it became more of a chore. These days I’ll stick a test strip in there and it’s like, “yup, same as the last 3 years”. 
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

Always keep salt on hand. Use it weekly for hatching baby brine. The last time I used it as a med was probably 2 months ago. 
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

I currently have a dirted 6 gallon cube, but I’ve never used Stratum or Eco Complete. I like that I have a Pearl Weed forest and don’t have to mess with root tabs in that tank. 
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

Probably the siphon that just hangs over the rim of all my tanks. Saves me so much time. 
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

Black. Yes, all black female Angelfish. 
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

Ohko Stone all day!

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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1. What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

75 gallons

2. What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

1 - space, money, time needed to maintain

3. What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

Someday when I don't have as many snails I'd like to try red root floaters or water lettuce. The snails keep eating the roots of the water sprite ice been trying to float. 

4. What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

An injured hand for the last 5 months

5. How often do you test your tank?

Usually once a week, lately twice a week as I was having water quality issues

6. Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?


7. Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

I haven't

8. What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

long handled plant scissors 

9. What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

Green, no green fish, that's what the plants are for

10. Choose 2: Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

Never having used any of them, ohko and mopani

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 60 gallons
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 7 tanks, because MTS 😂
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Guppy grass, because I'm collecting easy plants
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Water changes, because I'm lazy and I have to use buckets, and that sucks. 
5.  How often do you test your tank? Rarely. I have pretty understocked tanks, and my water is pretty good (not too hard, not too basic, not too acidic, etc. ) Also I don't have ACO test strips yet. 😉
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? I do, and the last time I used it was for a sick sterbai cory. 
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? I keep most of my tanks with planted substrate. I love how well it helps the plants grow, but it's not the prettiest or best for aquascaping. I like sand for the aesthetic
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) Suction cups for airline tubing. Helps with water changes and acclimation so, so much. 
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? Blue, but I don't have any blue fish (except part of my new bettas). I think I like fish that are either white, black, or yellow more than I like blue fish. 
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. Seiryu stone and mopani wood

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

225 gallon fresh water goldfish tank.

2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

the most I run at once is 5 I love planting and setting up new aquariums.  I love the hobby.  I love experimenting.  I set a hard limit of 5 because I know I wouldn’t have weekly eyes on each if I had more than 5.

3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

when I can have 55 gallons again, Madagascar lace plant.

4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

Work related travel.  It always blows up some kind of maintenance work I should be handling.  Luckily, all my tanks are super heavily planted so a couple days late with my weekly water change is not likely to cause any problems.

5.  How often do you test your tank?

Quarantine: (this is my plant grow out tank when not quarantining a fish) monthly unless it has a resident, then 2x daily (before and after work). New: Daily - Established: every other Sunday.

6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

yes.  Last time I used it was for a brine shrimp hatch out Saturday.

7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

yes. All my tanks use planted substrate.  I don’t like the initial cloudiness and initial ammonia concerns.

8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

light timers.

9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

white, and my Betta is a white dumbo Halfmoon.

10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

elderly stone and manzanita wood.


re: Queation 5, above, my quarantine tank (5 gallon Fluval spec) hasn’t been used as a quarantine in ages as I rarely buy fish and I am blessedly disease free.  It is a plants only tank for all my overgrowth.  Last time I had to quarantine (online Betta purchase) I relocated all plants to a 5 gallon bucket for a couple weeks.  Yay for “easy”, floating,  and “low light” plants!  

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

40 gal

2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

2, my parents won’t let me get more:( 

3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

Personally I’m not picky about plants, as long as they do photosynthesis and don’t grow to fast that’s good with me

4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?


… I do maintenance … 

5.  How often do you test your tank?


6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

No, I prefer sand 

8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

I try to mess with my tank as little as possible 
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

I don’t really have a favorite color, but I prefer cryptic/ wild type color

10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. 

The 2 woods 

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 29g (so far...will have at least a 75 some day)
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 5 My 29, my 10g, niece's betta that she left with me, In-law's tank that they may leave with me, quarantine which is now shut down, so 4 right now
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? umm...maybe some kind of "fancy" Buce, or a pink flamingo crypt - something weird or cool looking
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? time to actually do it - kids/sports take a lot of time on the weekend right now
5.  How often do you test your tank? Not too often after I have the stocking level set - when adding fish or in a new setup, every few days/at least once a week
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? yes, used in my QT, but haven't used it in a few months
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? Yes, I have used stratum, it works really well, but I prefer to cap with gravel
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) probably my python, but I have a plastic razor thing that I like for stubborn algae 🙂
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? my favorite color is green, my favorite fish color is orange/red - I have embers and my betta is a red koi
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. Seiryu stone, Ohko stone (but, would have chosen black lava if given the option)...nothing too big, I like more plants, less stone

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 30g
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 5 - that's the space I have right now.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Something red, like whatever is in some dutch style tanks.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Duckweed.
5.  How often do you test your tank? Been doing couple times a week to try and dial in ferts. 
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? Yup, use it every couple weeks for bbs. 
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? Just started one with EcoComplete - jury's out still, but it can make planting a big more difficult as it's not very heavy. Sure cycled fast tho. 
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? The "Duckweed Destroyer" - so much easier than netting. 
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? Green - some of my platys have a bit of green, but would like some green barbs and/or tetras at some point. 
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. I'd love to have any and all of those to play with! Just used Seiryu in a new tank and it's really interesting. I have Mopani in about all my tanks. 

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?
-I think it was either 6 or 7.  2 in the kids rooms, 3 in the main living area, then I had my own tank in my room.  Two betta tanks, one was for my corydoras (panda at the time), main family tank by the dinner table, a 20L I had setup for something, and then I had my amano tank trying to grow out some of them to juveniles)
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?
-Salvinia is up there, but I really want to get something bigger for the background.  I think I'd really like to try a "fancy moss" and make a ledge or something.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?
-Hardscape being in the way, basically.  I wish it was easier to lift up wood to siphon or to go ahead and have a big enough tank where I wasn't worried about doing that except for deep cleans.
5.  How often do you test your tank?
-I try to do things every week.  Often I will test things once a month.
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?
-yes, last week. 
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?
-I did try one.  Essentially it was "capped" but not well enough.  The sand cap was moved by the output flow of the filter.  Then the soil substrate was blown all over the surface.  I can't say I won't use one ever again, but I can imagine a much different approach.
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)
-A two step stool.  Literally couldn't work on the tanks without it.  Holds the bucket at the right height and I can use that to get to the filters and whatever.  It's ALWAYS in the way, but it's also the one thing I leave in the way and work around.  It stows behind the door out of the way when I don't have a bucket in the way.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?
-Green.  Hm, Green tiger barbs would be the go-to and I do miss them.  Right now I have otos and some black swordtails that have a similar green in their pattern.
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.
-Seriyu I have come to really appreciate.  It's probably the easiest one to throw into a tank and make it look good.  I would also like to try manzanita out.  That would be the two I try to setup a tank with.

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On 2/13/2023 at 5:19 AM, jwcarlson said:

9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? Yellow, and... not really.  Though the one random furcatta rainbow that I have does have quite a bit of yellow.

There are some of the smaller rainbows that have yellow as a primary color.  Have you ever kept silvertip tetras?

Your water mixing / aging setup sounds awesome.  I need one!

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?

A 90 gallon community tank.

2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?

I have 4 right now, hoping to downsize to 3 this week by combining my 2 betta tanks into 1 with a divider. I love bettas, got Goldie Blue, saw he hated the 55 gallon so got him a 10 gallon, then ended up getting my second betta instead of putting him in there. Then I got my axolotl, Bubbles, and at that point GB was in a crisis so had to get the Flex to move him to asap. All this happened pretty quick too, like span of six months.

3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?

I want to add more crypts to my 55 gallon. The ones I have had in there for about six months are finally taking off, and they look awesome. I'd love to add some red ones in. 

4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?

It's not really a challenge, but more of a pain...the tubes in the chiller for my axolotl get disgusting very fast so I have to take those off and clean them about every three weeks.

5.  How often do you test your tank?

I test my axolotl tank twice a week, my other tanks once a week.

6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?

Yes, and thankfully I have not had to use it for several months now.

7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?

I have 1 tank with Fluval Stratum, everything I planted in there died, all that is left is pothos and 1 tiny buce. I will be glad to disassemble that tank, it's one of the betta tanks, and I have hated that substrate from day one. I chose the reddish one, and I have not liked the way it looks with anything I have added to the tank.  

8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)

My python by far, I don't have the strength or patience to fill and lug buckets around. 

9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?

Pink and purple, and no...not yet. I've seen some gorgeous bettas recently that I have had to stop myself from buying lol. I have been eyeing some magenta mystery snails lately though!

10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.

I'd love to redo my 55 gallon community tank one day with Seiryu and Mopani. 

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On 2/13/2023 at 3:02 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

There are some of the smaller rainbows that have yellow as a primary color.  Have you ever kept silvertip tetras?

Your water mixing / aging setup sounds awesome.  I need one!

Nope, no silver tips.  I guess my apistogrammas are yellow/yellowish.  I forgot about those.  They're newer to me. 😂20230131_191036.jpg.031c0fe03f777ee011c5b9b3e85a20d8.jpg20230205_073810.jpg.9a2ea66696cd8fac1d04c3339f4ed720.jpg

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? I recently took over maintaining my daughter's 125-gallon tank. 
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? Three if I count my daughter's tank. Planted 40 breeder and 5.5 grow out tank. 
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? My newest favorite plant is Madagascar lace, it is just flourishing in my tank when I can't even grow an Amazon Sword to save my life!
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Being on the short side and having to use a step stool to reach the back of the tank. 
5.  How often do you test your tank? Weekly, still consider myself a newb. 
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? I do but have never used it
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? have never had a plant substrate
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) Snail catcher and water diffuser. 
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? My favorite color is green, but I have enough plants in the tank. My next fish will be something red, like chili rasboras
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. I've only used stone so far, so would choose wood next time. 

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?     75 gallon
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?     4  I ran out of space
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?     I wish to reintroduce  the rejuvenated PSO to the planted tank.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?     moving +- 1200 lbs. of water during water changes
5.  How often do you test your tank?     weekly
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?    yes 3 years ago.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?     a carpeted substrate? no
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)  Fish sticks
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?  Orange?  yes, Embers
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.     Red Lava Rock, Ohko stone.

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?
My 125 gallon aquarium, though I'm afraid I'll probably lose it in the move after I graduate 😞
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?
Until recently I had 6 aquariums, now I have 5 since I replaced 2 5 gallons with a 29 gallon.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?
I kinda want to try flamingo crypt.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?
Getting gunk out of the substrate without sucking up substrate. 
5.  How often do you test your tank?
Not enough. Maybe every 2-3 weeks. 
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?
I last used it to help my honey gourami which was genetically stunted and very unhealthy.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?
I had fluval stratum before and seachem planted substrate. Both didn't obviously do anything for me and fluval stratum was hard to get stuff rooted in and had some complications since its so light. 
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)
I love the melamine sponges I use to scrub algae
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?
Blue and yes with my blue acara and cardinal tetras. 
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.
Manzanita and seiryu stone for sureeeeeeee. Mopani woop is too sappy nowadays. 
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Waiting on a phone call... I'll go ahead and play.


1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?  250 litres, which is what, 66 gallons?
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?  4.  The aforementioned, a 55g and two 29g.  Currently just have a 55g for the goldies.  About to set up a 15g Flex because I want to try plants again.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?  One that lives?
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?  I don't have any problem now that I have just a single tank.  4 was too many.  My problem is that if something goes wrong, I can get depressed.  I have never recovered a sick fish or a sick plant or a sick tank.  I cannot stop the downward spiral once it starts.
5.  How often do you test your tank?  The 55g is new this fall, so once a week.  It's set now, so I will probably do just once a month.  I'm very much like @AllFishNoBrakes in this regard.
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? Yes.  8 years ago, the last time I had a tank spiral on me and I lost the population.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?  I had a planted tank once.  Even got the heater cables.  Everything died anyway, though I cannot remember the substrate I used.  I will try Stratum capped with gravel for the Flex.
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)  I bought some plastic grass carpet.  I dip that in Repashy and hang from the top of the tank upside down.  It takes the goldies maybe an hour to clean it off.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?  Orange.  The color of half my goldies.
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.  Mopani wood.

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for?  20 Gallon, tall hex tank.
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why?  2 official tanks (20 and 10), 1 quarantine tub.  Wouldn't mind a few more, just don't know where to put them.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank?  I would love to try some Amazon Frogbit, but I can't find them in any stores by me.
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance?  Trying to find the right balance of nutrients for healthy plants while discouraging algae.
5.  How often do you test your tank?  Every Saturday.
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it?  Yep!  Got it when I saw Ick on one of my mollies a few months ago.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike?  Haven't tried it.  I just stick with gravel since you can find that anywhere.
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use)  I'm so basic right now, so I'd have to say gravel vacuum.  I use it for all my water changes and it just makes things so easy.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color?  Yellow.  Right now, no.  Perhaps in the future...
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood.  Give me the wood, baby!

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1.  What is the largest tank you've ever cared for? 54 Gallon Bowfront (current)
2.  What is the most amount of tanks you've kept? Why? 1 community tank, because it's the easiest to manage.
3.  What is the next plant you wish to have in your tank? Madagascar Lace
4.  What is the biggest challenge you face with maintenance? Keeping the gravel bits in my sand off to the side.
5.  How often do you test your tank? Not very often, heavily planted with stable pH.
6.  Do you have aquarium salt on hand and what was the last time you used it? Yes, but I haven't used it since I had a baby clown loach in a 20 😞 R.I.P.
7.  Have you ever kept a tank with a planted substrate, what did you like or dislike? No, but it looks cool!
8.  What is your favorite thingamajig that you have for your tank? (something you use) Pre-filter sponges with the ends cut off for my spray bar.
9.  What is your favorite color and do you have any fish in that color? In fish, it's yellow, and no.
10.  Choose 2:  Seiryu stone, Ohko stone, Red Lava Rock, Mopani wood, Manzanita wood. Red Lava Rock and Manzanita.

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