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Confused my peppered corys


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I have some tiny cory fry in my 10 gallon tank, and all the adult fish are in my 55 gallon heavily planted tank. I was popping a pinch of this and a pinch that into a little electric coffee grinder to grind for the fry. Vibra bites, sinking pellets, goldfish food, Xtreme Nano, basically everything the adult fish really like that is top shelf quality. I ground it fine and adding some in the little tank. I thought it might take the fry a while to eat the amount I had ground, so I used my 1/32 spoon and put a few spoonfuls into the outputs of my HOBs in the adult tank. The corys could smell the food, but not easily figure out where it was. The zoomed all over the tank tasting everything. They groomed the mystery snails shells. Every time one swam though a dense plant, several followed, licking the leaves. I have their dinner socking in a bottle cap of tank water so it softens up so they can eat it easily and quickly, before the snails try to cover it. I won't tease them like this again. I was just curious to see what they would do if the whole tank smelled and tasted yummy.

Have a fun evening.

Edited by KittenFishMom
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I've seen a video on ACO I believe of a clip of feeding fry.  Might even been a Dean video.  Basically take that little tiny paintbrush and dip that in the powder, then in the tank.  I tend to prefer to turn off the equipment and get things to sink / settle and let the fry have at it after some time.

Maybe that helps! 🙂

Sounds like the fry are doing well for you, very cool.

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@nabokovfan87 It was the adult corys in the 55 tank that got confused when I put the extra fine fry powder in the 2 HOB output streams.

The fry were eating the food as fast as it hit the bottom of  they tank. I have added back more java moss in the fry tank, so I have know idea how many fry are in there, or where they like to be. I need the food to be spread all over the tank. I'm getting a second batch of 30 shrimp tomorrow to increase the clean up crew. I will put a few in the 55 tank to see if the fish will leave them alone.

I have seen a fry few swimming higher in the fry tank, so they are getting bigger and stronger.

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