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old tank syndrome and tank leak


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help: my 20 gallon long was leaking  and had old tank syndrome, lost all fish but two all my julii's gone and black neon tetras gone but one male now in my 10 gallon with all my plant's and a female salt and pepper cat i feel this 10 gallon is too small for the salt and pepper but too big for the lone male tetra bought another 20 gallon and filled it up for cycling for how long does this new tank have to cycle before i can start adding new fish to help with cycling i added some of my old rizome plants its been filled and running for 5 days now 

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@Streetwise can you move this thread over to General Discussion? 

@patricia do you have any test strips? That's the best way to know where you're at with your cycle. See if you're getting any ammonia or nitrite readings. I second the recommendation to add filter media from another tank if you have it. But the plants are a good start too.

Are you adding anything as an ammonia source? "Ghost feeding" is the easiest way IMO. Just put the same amount of fish food in the tank as if the fish you're going to put in there is already in there. That way the beneficial bacteria has something to consume & has a chance to colonize the tank. 

Do you know why your old tank succumbed to old tank syndrome? Was it a pH crash? This can be caused by low KH in your water (another thing tested for on most test strips). The KH buffers the pH so it stays stable. It can be added by using crushed coral in your tank, either in the substrate or in the filter or both. 

Hope all this helps! Let us know how it's going 🙂

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On 1/30/2023 at 10:39 AM, patricia said:

ty i though i moved the post not very computer savvy i think i will turn new tank into a planted tank only and keep the lone fish in the 10 gallon 

No worries, I think moving a thread has to be done by admin anyways. 

You don't want to get a few more black neons to go with the lone one? A few in a 10g would be a nice little tank with some plants 🙂

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On 1/28/2023 at 3:00 PM, patricia said:

help: my 20 gallon long was leaking  and had old tank syndrome, lost all fish but two all my julii's gone and black neon tetras gone but one male now in my 10 gallon with all my plant's and a female salt and pepper cat i feel this 10 gallon is too small for the salt and pepper but too big for the lone male tetra bought another 20 gallon and filled it up for cycling for how long does this new tank have to cycle before i can start adding new fish to help with cycling i added some of my old rizome plants its been filled and running for 5 days now 

If the old tank is leaking you can acclimate the fish using a drip and then go ahead and move them.  Toss all the old media into the new tank, even on the substrate is better than letting it dry out.

It might cloud, but that's what I would do, have done, and how I would handle it.


Causes for OTS and how to handle it.  Especially the second reason happens to a lot of hobbyists.


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