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Attempting to breed celestial pearl danios and I need advice


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As the title states, I want to breed CPDs. I was wondering if I could get some advice on my process so far?

I have 10 CPDs in a 14g planted tank with a sponge filter and a Tupperware with java moss as a removable spawning mop. I've had the Tupperware in there for about a week now and my plan is to move it to an established bare bottom 7g tank with a sponge filter, some water lettuce, and some Indian almond leaves. In preparation, I vacuumed out debris from the 7g tank and did a 50% water change before adding the IAL. Also the 7g has a few small Malaysian trumpet snails. I'm thinking they might eat the eggs so I should remove them but I'd rather not make the effort if I don't have to. Anyone have opinions on this?

Is there anything else I should consider before I move the Tupperware? I want to move them today or tomorrow since I'll have time.

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It looks like I didn’t get any eggs. I’ll remove the spawning container again this weekend and look. I’ve decided to remove all the snails I can see. I’m sure that will leave a few tiny ones, but I think they might be helpful for eating leftover bits of food down the road if I am successful. 

I have been wondering if maybe my CPDs are too small or young to breed? They’re very tiny. I saw some at a LFS and they’re noticeably bigger. I got them from aqua huna as “S size” a couple months ago. I’m not sure if that means they’re the runts of each spawn or if they’re just young or both or what. Since then they’ve grown and colored up but they’re still small.They seem active and it looks as though they chase each other around playfully. I am confident I have a mix of males and females too. Anyone have any other tips to get them to spawn?

I attached a pic of their tank. There are a few neo shrimp in there and some ramshorn and maybe Malaysian trumpet snails.



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On 1/25/2023 at 10:18 PM, lrl251 said:

I am confident I have a mix of males and females too. Anyone have any other tips to get them to spawn?

You might just need to condition them...  As far as method, here is some videos that might be helpful.  I believe these species spawn in the same way.



What temp is the tank?


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I got some CPDs (small) from Aqua Huna about the same time and ended up with just one female.  She looks ready to burst any day now.  They are doing some spawning behavior but haven't see any eggs yet.  Been feeding baby brine on/off.



Edited by jwcarlson
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  • 1 year later...

White & microworms and BBS get all my females producing eggs next day. I put 1 male, 2 females in a hang-on breeding box with an egg separator & a bit of yarn with small clamp-on fishing weights to keep it down close to the egg separator bottom (though few fall through). Feed every 8 hours, remove breeders when eggs are visible, put mops into hatching box (same as breeding box, just smaller), put new mops and breeders in. In a week I have 40 eggs (25 average are viable and hatch). Once the fry are feeding well, I pour the hatch box into a grow out tank. Keep the same "week" brood stock together - if some grow bigger quicker, they sometimes eat the new little guys.

The hard part is feeding the babies. Infusoria & moina are hit & miss with some broods. 

Good luck

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