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Ben Ellison

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I just set up a 20 gallon tall and month or so back and moved in some season deco and sponge filter. I now have planted it and placed a handful of shrimp and a nerite snail. I am wondering about breeding ideas for that tank. I had considered BN plecos or maybe cory's. Anyone have better ideas? I am also considering it only being a shrimp colony.

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I have a 20 tall that's been breeding RCS, BN plecos, and endlers for the past year. The pleco breeding worked out too well, so I had to move that all to a 29 gallon to grow out the 150+ babies in there. My LFS wants to buy them only when they're 3 inches, so I may end up having to sell some of them elsewhere before that. I can't imagine growing out that many BN plecos in a 20 tall along with the endlers, but maybe if I had an auto water-change system. The RCS colony hasn't exploded, but they're breeding quite a bit. I am guessing the swarm of endlers in there now are keeping the shrimplet population down.  



Edited by StephenP2003
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