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mean molly


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a few days ago we got 6 mollies 1 male, 5 females. They are all so beautiful and at first things seemed great. Except after a day or 2 we noticed the male was relentlessly bullying one female in particular. 


This is not being confused with normal mating harrasement you see with live bearers. He is nipping at her, not just on her fins but all over her body including her face and he doesnt stop. she cowers from him and runs and he doesnt stop. Im so confused because mollies have always seemed quite peaceful to me 😅 


Ive seperated them and the mean guy is in a 10 gallon by himself until i can figure it out. All fish, inverts and plants seem healthy and happy besides this.


Tank params are as follows:


55 gallon, established since october 7th

30 (ish) neon and cardinal tetras

5 honey gouramis

 1 pearl gourami

9 amano shrimp

12 mysery snails

6 mollies (1 male, 5 females)


0 amonia

0 nitrite

40-60 ppm nitrate

healthy and growing live plants


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Some fish like humans are relentless bullies unacceptable for communities. I’m sorry you have one that just might be.  Another cause could be the female is genetically unhealthy or just unhealthy. Fish will relentlessly drive that one away. 
I hope you find a solution. If you keep him separate until she is comfortable and established and healthy then try reintroducing him as the new kid on the block I have seen that occasionally straighten a bully out unfortunately it more often remains a bully. 

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On 1/14/2023 at 10:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

 If you keep him separate until she is comfortable and established and healthy then try reintroducing him as the new kid on the block I have seen that occasionally straighten a bully out unfortunately it more often remains a bully. 

I think you are right about this and thats what i'll try to do, although ive never seen it work either. he cant stay in the 10 as im trying to start a cherry shrimp colony in there lol. 

Its such a shame too because he is a beautiful specimen, jet black with yellow on his fins id hate to return him 😒

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On 1/14/2023 at 10:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

Another cause could be the female is genetically unhealthy or just unhealthy. Fish will relentlessly drive that one away. 

@Guppysnail You were absolutely right, some kind of fungal infection became visible on the fish that was being bullied the next day.  Ive isolated her and began treating ich X. She didnt look to good when i left this morning though 😞 


The bully isnt bullying anyone now lol

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