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Plant goals 2023, anyone?

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Anybody else got plans to change or improve their plant situation in 2023? I'm trying to not bring home any new fish and to focus my energy and spending on plants.

Since I do not want to protect any fry at the moment ( 😞 ), I removed all the guppy grass and about half the corkscrew valisneria clogging up my tanks and then felt quite bah humbug about my plant situation.

My goal for 2023 is to KEEP TRYING STEM PLANTS until I find some I can grow, and to re-arrange things so there will be more of each kind of plant clumped together, but maybe fewer kinds of plants total, especially the kinds I don't really care for or who are in the totally wrong place, like the sagittaria in middle of my 20g long.



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Right now, I'd say I wanna see if I can make lillies work.  I've had a Red Dwarf Lily bulb in my 20 gallon for about 4 weeks now, no growth at all.  I'm gonna remove it during my next water change.  I just set up my 10 gallon and I have a Tiger Lotus bulb in that one that came with some tiny leaves already, so I'm hoping this one will grow more.

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On 1/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, DaniV said:

Right now, I'd say I wanna see if I can make lillies work.  I've had a Red Dwarf Lily bulb in my 20 gallon for about 4 weeks now, no growth at all.  I'm gonna remove it during my next water change.  I just set up my 10 gallon and I have a Tiger Lotus bulb in that one that came with some tiny leaves already, so I'm hoping this one will grow more.

This might sound silly but try rotating the dwarf lily bulb 180 degrees. It might be upside down. It's worth a shot if nothing else has worked.

I hope to tame moss, to make it grow but where and how I want it to. I also think I'm ready to try Bucephalandra. I know buce is pretty easy, but it's on the expensive side, so I've been "some day"-ing it until I got more plant experience under my belt.

Edited by Rube_Goldfish
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On 1/10/2023 at 1:18 PM, jwcarlson said:

This is going to sound wild.  But I am going to try to keep my nitrates higher in 2023, because my plants seem to struggle.  Also using more root tabs.

Me, too on the more root tabs. I'm starting to think I've been underusing them and that may be a part of my stem plant problem. The last two times I added root tabs I added twice as many as I typically would and tested water for the next two days with no increase in nitrates. I'm thinking I may double them again in the areas around the 1 or 2 stem plants I currently have hanging on by a thread and see if that improves anything.


On 1/10/2023 at 11:26 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Resolutions for 2023:

1) Find a tiger lotus 🐯 🪷 somewhere…

2) Maybe try and make my own Root Tabs

3) Keep Java moss alive past the 3 month mark!


1) I like your stones with white stripes, those are some of my favorites in my tank, too. 

2) I feel your java moss pain. Mine is barely surviving even with the additional potassium I'm adding 2x a week. What on earth does this moss want?

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I’d like to be able to look at one of my tanks and break into Guns ‘n Roses “Welcome to the Jungle”…. 😉😆 But seriously, I’d like to try some harder plants than the current low light ones I have. I’m sneaking up on getting a big for me tank - 40gallon tank and I’d like to plant some different things than I have now.

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On 1/10/2023 at 10:03 PM, Birdsnstuff said:

I’d like to be able to look at one of my tanks and break into Guns ‘n Roses “Welcome to the Jungle”…. 😉😆 But seriously, I’d like to try some harder plants than the current low light ones I have. I’m sneaking up on getting a big for me tank - 40gallon tank and I’d like to plant some different things than I have now.

If you haven't tried aponogeton ulvaceous or aponogeton boivinianus, you might want to give them a try. They definitely add the 'jungle' look to tanks in my opinion and they are easy to grow from bulbs. The boivinanus is the one that looks like wrinkly spinach in this photo:



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On 1/10/2023 at 1:51 PM, PlaneFishGuy said:

Setting up a 75g (my largest tank by far ever) - hoping to get a large section of plants to carpet - trying to talk myself out of going all in on a CO2 setup. 

A 75g is a great size. It would be my planted tank if I did not have plant eaters.  CO2 is one more hassle I don't need or want, but I am playing with a passive CO2 experiment in the project tank. It is too soon to tell what effect if any it is having.  Check out the Coop tour of Ocean Aquarium San Francisco. 

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My goal is to get this one, teeny, tiny piece of AR (Alternathera Reineckii, your favorite right @Mmiller2001?) a notoriously finicky plant especially in non-co2/high-tech settings, that I've managed to keep alive for the last 2 years but not thrive in my low tech environment, to GROW DANG IT GROW! (recently moved to a new tank with fluval stratum and a sand cap, higher lighting and no duckweed shadow as the last tank it was in)


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I definitely have some goals, but I feel like if I say anything the tanks will hear me and revolt for the entire year!

(Especially that algae)

Seriously though, I do have some things I want to try. Right now I just want to get some successful Hygro Pinnatifida to be able to actually see it when I look at the tank.

Moss is great and it looks great, so does the S. Reopens, but I really do want to get some more stems and the Hygro to propagate.

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I haven't put any research into it yet, but I just got the co-op light for my 29 so I can finally try plants that need more light. I've always had to rely on low light plants so it feels like the possibilities are endless now 😅 

I should also make it a goal to dose easy green on the recommended basis so I can maybe save my poor java ferns. 

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Ooh, being better at keeping up with ferts is definitely a priority for me. I want to try growing more crypts and maybe buce, as well as get some more anubias since I lost most of mine a while back to anubias rot. I'm going to be converting one of my existing 10 gallons to a botanical style tank, so more low light plants will be my focus. I'd also really like to keep some moss alive. And get my dwarf hardy water lilly in my mini pond to bloom this summer. 

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I'm finding my best success with plants that are epiphytes and bulbs. I'm going to start with some Bucephalandra and some Aponogeton. I'm not giving up on rooted plants so I will be looking at some different types of plants. My next goal is to familiarize myself with everything CO2 related and possibly add to my tank. 

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