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Xmas present ideas

Smiling Paul

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Hi all, I've got decision paralysis.


Me, my wife and youngest are travelling to spend Xmas with our eldest daughter. We want to exchange presents while there. We can't exchange what I want for Xmas (fish or shrimp) while there and a fish tank just impractical to travel with. 

Anyone got any ideas on what I can ask for? I need things off the shelf that won't die

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I guess it all depends on what you keep, what you feed, and how well-stocked local fish stores are.

Because I keep hundreds of fish, breed most of the species I have, and run about 17x tanks, there are certain things that I always appreciate. But still… some of this depends on how you keep fish.

Here are ideas I know I’d appreciate:

1. Bug Bites Flakes. I like color enhancing formula. But original is also great.

2. Sponge filters. Spares never go to waste!

3. Quality airline. I prefer the black airline from ACO. But something flexible is good.

4. Ziss airstones. I cannot get enough!

5. Soft, white fine-mesh nets.

6. Liquid dechlorinator. I like API and Fritz, but Prime is OK.

There’s a long list of very odd “breeder” things… but this stuff above is pretty common.

Edited by Fish Folk
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Like @Fish Folk says - Foods are a great idea. 

Budget definitely is a factor, and what you keep would be helpful to know but you did say shrimp! 

So new and cool structures for the shrimp (I see lots of cool things on Etsy for fish keeping that you can't find elswhere and the ladies love to shop on Etsy most of the time!). There are also plant holders and fish caves and all sorts of baubles and do-dads. 

Aquarium lights (that aren't too long so awkward to travel with). 

Any tools that need replacing or upgrades?

Do you want to organize things? 3M hooks are portable and cool for hanging nets, tools, handled buckets in which to put tools and foods etc. 

Super glue is always needed, lol. 

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On 12/11/2022 at 1:57 PM, Smiling Paul said:

Hi all, I've got decision paralysis.


Me, my wife and youngest are travelling to spend Xmas with our eldest daughter. We want to exchange presents while there. We can't exchange what I want for Xmas (fish or shrimp) while there and a fish tank just impractical to travel with. 

Anyone got any ideas on what I can ask for? I need things off the shelf that won't die

Interesting dilema.  Are you basically wanting things that will end up in the tank?  I would go towards plants. They can do ok in buckets or the fridge even in some cases.  Especially tissue culture ones.  Aquascaping tools is another route to go.  Any equipment that you need?  Maybe a chair for the fishroom, towels, or a gift card to your local shop (or one you wish to try to order from online)?

I understand some people don't enjoy gift cards.  Perhaps what works is to not worry about what, spend time browsing the selecting and explain what you want to keep that's available to order or go into the shop and buy?


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I’ve thought long and hard about this about a  month ago. I was faced with the same problem and as I pondered, I realized that my fish room, which is more of a display room has bare walls above the aquariums. The one thing I came up with that could possibly improve my hobby was wall art. I have beautiful aquariums, but bare walls. So I requested for some cool wall art, but nothing to compete with the aquariums. At the very least, it warms up the room a bit. I’m seeking a very cozy experience while sitting and observing the aquariums. Not sure what your room looks like, but hope this helps a bit. 

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On 12/11/2022 at 4:57 PM, Smiling Paul said:

Hi all, I've got decision paralysis.


Me, my wife and youngest are travelling to spend Xmas with our eldest daughter. We want to exchange presents while there. We can't exchange what I want for Xmas (fish or shrimp) while there and a fish tank just impractical to travel with. 

Anyone got any ideas on what I can ask for? I need things off the shelf that won't die

For fellow nerms I assume? Get them aquarium coop merch, or the light (if it’s out yet) or the heater, alternatively a new tank is always nice, you always can use more food (even live food eggs like daphnia) 

On 12/12/2022 at 8:28 AM, sairving said:

Why not ask for gift cards? Amazon, the visa ones, maybe your wife can take a trip to your lfs for other family members? Bring the gift cards along.

I am of the opinion that gift cards are one of the worst good gifts, personally give me money instead! 

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On 12/12/2022 at 8:50 AM, sairving said:

Money is good too. 

Only problem with money (and I think why gift cards are more popular) is it just seems very bland and can be taken as a “lazy” gift (even though personally I would rather get money then one of those random gifts you get from your grandparents or extended family)

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Some awesome ideas above that I'll just piggyback off of.

If you're looking to keep shrimp, maybe the supplies to create a kit for a shrimp paradise?

- Coconut caves

- Like @Fish Folk said,

fun foods like GlasGarten shrimp lollies, bacterAE and shrimp baby as well as hikari shrimp cuisine and fluval bug bites. Or even some catappa leaves

- Like @nabokovfan87 said,

Some plants may travel well like Christmas moss to cover the caves. This is where super glue would be necessary and a great stocking stuffer. As @TheSwissAquarist said, a tiger lotus or dwarf lily bulb would be cool. 

- Like @xXInkedPhoenixX said,

Cool hardscape like driftwood or interesting rocks to attach other plants to. This is where Etsy can be a great resource. 

- A cool box or crate to keep your brand new supplies in. 

If you're just setting up the tank or adding shrimp for the first time maybe a gh/kh test kit if you don't already have one, a binder or notebook to track your progress. You can decorate it with ACO stickers! 

And as others said, I'd be over the moon for an ACO gift card to add to the kit so you can get whatever else you need for your shrimpy Shangri-la. 

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Aquarium Coop socks and towel.  Your dechlorinator of choice. 

Lets leave room for some silliness any tank decor - ( If there are grandkids they will get a giggle seeing it in your tank after christmas) 

Vouchers are good but do you have an item on the wish list that these can go towards if so tell them what you are saving for so the voucher feels special and not a sorry we didn't know what else. 

Or get tickets to something that the whole family can do together later in year - I paid for my in laws and us to visit a local zoo not long after lockdown so we could have some fun together and it's the commitment of the time together that is the important part we put off so much because we are busy.  There is a trinket in the world worth more than time with loved ones.  If money is tight for any of the family, this could be a great way of adding a ton of value. 



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Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I made a list up of things like sponge filters, thermometers, water test strips etc. So let's see what the kids get me.

I would love to buy coop brand stuff but living here in the UK it's certainly not as easy. Let's hope in time they are available in my LFS. 

Thanks again 🙂

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On 12/11/2022 at 1:57 PM, Smiling Paul said:

Hi all, I've got decision paralysis.


Me, my wife and youngest are travelling to spend Xmas with our eldest daughter. We want to exchange presents while there. We can't exchange what I want for Xmas (fish or shrimp) while there and a fish tank just impractical to travel with. 

Anyone got any ideas on what I can ask for? I need things off the shelf that won't die

This is the time when gift certificates are the best! If you have what you need for your aquarium but really need the fish or the shrimp, a gift certificate to the place you go to would be a perfect present. My husband got me a gift certificate to my lfs and it was so much fun to go pick out fish. 🙂

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On 12/14/2022 at 8:27 AM, smm333 said:

This is the time when gift certificates are the best! If you have what you need for your aquarium but really need the fish or the shrimp, a gift certificate to the place you go to would be a perfect present. My husband got me a gift certificate to my lfs and it was so much fun to go pick out fish. 🙂

My sister and brother-in-law gave me a gift card to my lfs for my birthday. I bought new fish for my tank.

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