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Cherry barbs bloated or full of eggs?


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I have 10 Cherry barbs I got just over a week ago and some of them appear rather large almost ‘boxy’ as I used to see with my Molly fish before they had fry. I didn’t notice at the store but a when I got them home. My tank is 25gallons 32in across. 
pH 7.4-7.6 (api kit looks highest possible on the regular and the lowest on the high range) ammonia and nitrite 0 nitrate 10 maybe 20(planted tank) kh 6 gh 11-12. They also live with my betta who doesn’t seem bothered, they ignore each other and I have a backup tank if he ever needs to be moved. 

my main question is are the fish bloated or carrying eggs? I don’t see any scale lifting or pine coning and they all eat readily as soon as food is added I’ve been feeding bug bites, frozen brine shrimp and deshelled peas. they also seem to swim normally. I also don’t have any obvious bright red males, if it is eggs will they still spawn or re absorb the eggs without a male to fertilize?

hopefully the pictures are ok they don’t really stay still for long. 




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Although I don't know a ton about barbs, the bloated area seems to be a bit further forward than the egg area for females of most species. If it's not that, my best guess would be that it's probably something to do with swim bladder- have they been eating a lot recently? Many people will tell you that a common side effect with swim bladder issues is that the fish is "jumping" in the water, almost in a Super Mario Bros. sort of way to not sink, but even when the symptoms and the causation all point to swim bladder issues with my cardinals, they can usually maintain a good amount of buoyancy in the water. Hope all goes well! 🙂

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Thanks for the info. I was thought it looked a bit far forward. They will eat whatever I put in the tank usually within a couple minutes, I’ve been trying not to over feed them. I think I will try fasting them for a couple days and see if that helps. 

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