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My tanks so far and my journey in fish keeping


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Pic 1) Mustard Blue Betta with a large Mystery Snail

Pic 2) Red Devil Crayfish with 5 glow fish (20 Gallon)

Pic 3) 6 Harlequins, 7 Cardinals, 1 Zebra Danio, 1 Rummynose, 1 Super Red Pleco, 2 Panda Corys and 6 Bronze Corys with 3 Nerite snails and shrimp (65 gallon)

Pic 4) 2 adult Black Bar Endlers, 4 endler babies, rams horn snails and many shrimp (20 gallon)

Pic 5) 8 Red Phantom Tetras, and 2 albino plecos (10 gallon)

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So today my Berta fish George got upgraded to a 10 gallon tank. And he also got a few friends to boot. 5 Gold White Cloud Minnows and a few Ramshorn snails.  Let’s say good bye to neon colours and fake plants to natural colours and real plants.  Just waiting on a new light that’s on its way  



Edited by Stephan1973
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Well looky here.  To my surprise I have baby Cory’s in my 65 gallon tank.  Not sure if they are the bronze or panda ones.  Had so many eggs the last two weeks. Yeah!!!!

sorry for the poor picture but these guys are small and the phone has to fully zoom lol


Edited by Stephan1973
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