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New Fish for the Week 12/5-12/11

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Hi everyone!😁

Here's the new stock for this upcoming week after they are cleared from quarantine! Most fish are ready to go by Sunday/Monday (depending on how quarantine goes), and we do not put "holds" on any fish mentioned in this post. All fish are sold at a first-come first-served basis.

As a reminder, if you have any questions on these or other questions related to the store, please email us and do not reach out via PM.


Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails

African Dwarf Frogs

Leucistic African Dwarf Frogs

Amano Shrimp

Cherry Shrimp

Orange Shrimp 

Red Rili Shrimp

Blue Velvet Shrimp

Assassin Snails

Asst. Nerite Snails 

Asst. Mystery Snails 

Bamboo Shrimp 

Blue Wood Shrimp


Asst. Koi Females

Asst. Halfmoon Males

Asst. Plakat Males


Checkerboard Cichlids

German Blue Rams

Medium Assorted Angelfish (Local Drop Off)

Bolivian Rams

Red Head Tapajo Cichlids

Corydoras and Other Catfish

Bronze Cories

Albino Cories

Orange Laser Cories

Paleatus Cories

C102 Leopard Cories

Pygmy Cories

Venezuelanus Cories

Dwarf Anchor Catfish


Common Otocinclus

L183 Blue Seam Ancistrus

L264 Grey Sultan/Leporacanthicus

L226 Iquitos Tiger Pleco


Kuhli Loaches

Yo-yo Loaches


Neon Tetras

Cardinal Tetras

Green Neon Tetras

Rummynose Tetras

Ember Tetras

Glowlight Tetras

Silver Tip Tetras

Pygmy Hatchetfish


Odessa Barbs


Giant Danios

Gold Ring Danios


Chili Rasboras

Pork Chop Rasboras

Other Cyprinids

Siamese Algae Eaters

Roseline Sharks

Panda Garra



Sunset Honey Gouramis

Pearl Gouramis


Asst. Fancy Guppies

Asst. Endlers

Blue Tuxedo Platies

Black & White Platies

Marigold Swordtails

Pineapple Swordtails


Dark Australian Rainbowfish

Kamaka Rainbowfish


Clown Killifish

Florida Flag Fish


Red Cap Orandas

Red & White Ranchu

Calico Ryukin

Red & White Ryukin


Assorted Medaka Ricefish (Locally Bred by Devin)


Tire Track Eel

Zig Zag Eel

Ornate Rainbow Goby

Pea Puffers





No photos this week due to receiving the fish in the dark because of the power being out- sorry!


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