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Cold (room temperature) water plants


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I currently have a simple 20gal tank with no heater. I would like to start growing plants as well. I see light requirements but nothing about temperature. Cory’s videos are very helpful and I’ll probably get 5 or 6 varieties form his beginner plant recommendations. Are there any that do better in 62 (winter) 78 (summer) degree range?



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plants like java fern and anubias do well in just about any water. One thing that you need to know is that plants grow slow when the weather is cold just like any fish. When water warms up you might see much more growth. Just about any plant on the co op website will do well but be sure to stay away from things like crypts because in my experience crypts and cold water do not mix. Any time I put a crypt in a unheated tank it takes a long time for them to establish a strong root structure  and becomes uprooted by a clumsy fish. That might not be a problem for you but I keep a lot of plecos so it happens to me every time.

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