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Hatching brine shrimp eggs


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On 11/29/2022 at 5:36 PM, Cwsignu said:

Can brine shrimp eggs go bad? I have some from the co-op and it's been a while. I have had them in the freezer. Now I can't get them to hatch after a day in a half to 2 days. All eggs are on top and nothing hatched.. Should I just throw away the ones I have and get more? Thanks.


Might be best, as they may have been exposed to air. Have a nice day!

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They shouldn’t go bad in the freezer. I keep mine in the freezer with no issues. I think one of the coops claims for their brine shrimp is that they ship them in a freezer container for quality and freshness. So it may be that the eggs won’t hatch and/or have gone bad, but it shouldn’t be due to freezing.

I assume you’ve hatched them before and you know what you’re doing in terms of water, salt, air, light and so on. if not, let us know and we can help.

if you have eggs that won’t hatch, one option if you don’t want to throw them away is to decapulate. I’ve never personally had good success with this, but YouTube is full of instructions.

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