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Breeding Caridina and Neocaridina in the same tank


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I have a 10 gallon well-established tank with lots of vegetation and a sponge filter. Will I be able to breed both types of shrimp in this tank at the same time? The pH is 7.4, and the KH is 5. I couldn't measure the GH, but I assume the water is fairly hard because there is a lot of crushed coral mixed in with the substrate and the KH is pretty high. Any idea of what shrimp I can breed in this tank, or how to change the parameters to fit them would be really helpful. Thanks all:)😊

ps- I just ordered 20 fire red shrimp off Aquabid and they should be here in a few days! 

Edited by EmmaFish
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I doubt caridina species are going to breed at that Ph level (and probably won't do well at all). 

I've actually had Orange Rili in my caridina tank, but as @JettsPapa said, they didn't do great compared to the crystal reds. They do much better, much better in an environment more suited to their liking.  I run my caridina tanks down near Ph 6.

Likewise, I have kept Crystal Reds in my Orange RIli tank (they got in there somehow unknown to me!), and they did fine, but didn't breed at all.

So while it is certainly possible to keep these species together, one species doesn't do as well as the other.

Now, on the other hand, my Orange Rilis do breed like mad in a Ph of 6.4-6.6 (Kh 0, Gh8). But this is after many generations and a couple years of culling. So it could just be this line that's now doing well in softer water due to selective breeding. (I didn't do this intentionally, just working with the water I have).

In the end, if you are going to attempt something like this, go for a more neutral Ph, something closer to like 6.8 - 7.0. And try out something like Crystal Red or Crystal Black shrimp that are typically more forgiving than some of the more expensive caridinas. 

Edited by tolstoy21
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