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Does anyone have any experience keeping silver dollars with neon/cardinal tetras? I have a 240 gallon with 6 silver dollars and i wanted to add a number of neon sized tetras to make into a tetra community tank.  I have 2 black bar silver dollars (Myleus schomburgkii) and 4 regular ones (Metynnis argenteus)

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I can tell you with certainty that silver dollars are omnivores with a leaning toward herbivory, and seem to like live plants a lot.  As the dollars are growing up (which takes a while) you would certainly be fine.  Whether they would stay fine with neons or cardinals, that I don’t know.  I would try with cardinals since they are bigger, but be wary and watch for, ahem, “adverse interaction” very closely as your dollars gain size.  They would have to be very big to take cardinals since their mouths are quite small relative to their body size.  If they grow up with cardinals, they might not bother them?  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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