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Plants that hang down?


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Hi! I think I haven't seen aquatic plants with hanging stems or leafs, are there any? It wouldn't make much sense for a water plant to do this, I guess, but it would nevertheless suit some aquarium ideas, like plants hanging from the background or large hardscape objects.


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If I were trying to do a hanging design, I would try some ideas like

1) with strong enough light from below, some plants like anubias could imitate hanging stems, maybe.  

2) mosses attached to thin branches or hanging wires. 

3) terrestrial vines like tradescantia. I read that if those are hanging in a pot close to the water and grow to reach the water surface, they can continue to grow in water. Not sure they can be persuaded to grow downwards, but with light from the bottom - maybe. 


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Ha, yeah, lights from below could probably produce an interesting looking tank! Using narrow beams, and some tenacity, sections could be separately lit from different angles to make some plants droop or lean. For now, I'm quite more into basics though.

Also, I suspect most plants cannot go down, being hardwired to ascend, like.

Edited by darkG
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