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Is my betta constipated?

I put her in a quarantine tank with a small dose of salt and a catappa leaf to help with the constipation. I also gave her a pea. 

She seems to be swimming normally, but just has a big belly. 

Thanks for the help.  





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Hi @Alec, I would look for any signs of pineconing- bloating can be a sign of issues other than constipation and if she has something like dropsy it's best to try and treat right away. If no pineconing you can try fasting the fish for a few days and or Epsom salt soaks which are done for only 10-15 minute increments (lots of threads with this kind of treatment described).

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Yeah, I don't see any pineconing on her. (This is my girlfriends betta and I have seen pineconing on quite a few others) I have her in a 5.5 gallon tank with 5 gallons of water. I put in aquarium salt at a rate of 1 Tbsp per 5 gallon. The coop article on salt said 1 Tbsp per 3 gallons, but I didn't want to over do it. 

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OK cool, the salt treatment should hopefully help I'd keep an eye on her for changes for a few days and maybe fast her if you think it might be an overfeeding/constipation problems- not uncommon with Betta. If something else comes up or no changes give us an update!

One of our members suggests daphnia for constipation as Betta are carnivores, in case you feel the need to feed. 

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@xXInkedPhoenixX I'm not seeing much of a change. She seems to be a little slimmer. I did go ahead and add a dose of Ich X, Maracyn, and ParaCleanse. The only thing she has been fed in the past 5 days is a pea. 

She does appear to have a white spot where she would normally poop. Is this normal or part of the constipation? 

Below are the updated pictures of her. 





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The white spot is her egg spot or ovipositor tube (where eggs are laid) so I wouldn’t be too worried. She could be gravid (full of eggs). Brine shrimp also act as a natural “laxative.”

What is her behavior like? Is she inquisitive and looking around the tank or is she hiding/moping? 

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Bettas can be very sensitive especially depending on where their purchased from. If your girlfriend has had a lot of bettas with this sort of thing before, than I would question what is the bettas normal diet like? Is it varied enough? What is the normal amount fed? 

for my bettas I think having a variety of 3 different foods Is always a good idea just to make sure all their dietary requirements are met, since it’s not super common one food will meet all their nutritional needs. Plus it makes them happy and they won’t get tired of it. Two pellet foods and a protein source once a week. Like X-treme bettas pellets for a couple days, Hikari bettas bites the next, and than frozen or freeze dried bloodworms or daphnia for one day a week. Something like that. 2-3 pellets per day and leaving one day a week for them to help digest everything.  I would think that to prevent this from happening again you may need to adjust her diet unless her diet is varied and she isn’t over fed. 

has the epsom salt baths helped at all? 

Has she been exposed to male bettas at all?

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