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Polar blue parrot chilid fry dying


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My fry are dying one by one. I removed removed the fry 2 days ago from their parrents because they finished brood care.

Is it possible due water changes? My heater stands on 24*C/75F and i change water with 20*C/68F (dripp)
im feeding self made BBS ice cupes. I dont defrost them before. I also feed pellets
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Could be a number of factors:

what I would do is as follows:

1. Check all water parameters in the tank to make sure they are stable and one of them isn’t off if it is correct that first 

2. monitor the amount of water being changed, perhaps start smaller and more frequently and work your way up

3. invest in a dechlorinator such as prime for the other benefits of detoxifying ammonia quick

4. temp is important but I’ve found most species can tolerate slight differences if acclimated in a moderate manner and not shocked

5. check for equipment failure example make sure filter and heater aren’t failing 

6. remove all uneaten food from tank daily so it doesn’t foul water and make sure it’s up to date as well, everything has an expiration date.

7. seperate tank for the fry so it’s easier to monitor everything, even if it’s a plastic tote or a small tank of some sort

8. make sure the parent fish are healthy and didn’t give birth to unhealthy fry to start with 

9. defrost the cubes before you feed them and make sure your using aquarium water or dechlorinated water to make them in the first place

10. last resort would be med trio to see if something was causing the death whether in the host or the tank itself. 

I really hope something in this helps your situation this would be what I would do if it were me personally

added thought: depending upon how small the fry are they may need to be started off on something even smaller then pellets or bbs cubes

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If you want them to grow fast it’s my understanding people generally recommend small portioned meals multiple times throughout the day, but keep in mind if you do this maintenance will be more intensive and even more so important bc anything not consumed can be very harmful and have an impact on fry fast

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On 8/31/2022 at 10:12 AM, CJs Aquatics said:

If you want them to grow fast it’s my understanding people generally recommend small portioned meals multiple times throughout the day, but keep in mind if you do this maintenance will be more intensive and even more so important bc anything not consumed can be very harmful and have an impact on fry fast

I found out why a few died.  I cleaned the sponge filters too well.  I immediately changed 80% water and added baco turbo.  tonight again water change of 50%.  earlier when a few had died I had also changed a lot of water.  thanks for your tips!

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