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Hi everyone, so I may or may not have lived many an aquarist's dream and gotten what I think is a free 29 gallon from my neighbors. Upon looking at it closer I noticed the top rim has a slice through it and was wondering if there's any way to repair it, or if it's an issue I need to be worried about? 601003119_ScreenShot2022-08-28at12_03_16AM.png.03c654bafae7c5c706b4ad334c9fe7d9.png

Additionally I had to peel off some velcro holding on some gauges (I believe it was used as a terrarium prior to me finding it) and was wondering if there's a fish safe way to get the residue off? Thank you!

Edited by FlyingFishKeeper
Wrote the wrong tank size
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if it doesn't have a canter brace the frame shouldn't be structural but I'm on expert you could test fill it outside to see it the split gets bigger to make sure also if it was used for reptiles make sure the silicon didn't dry out. 

vinegar ammonia or melamine magic eraser can be used as long as its unscented ( also sold as seachem algae pad) to clean the glass. 

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