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On 9/10/2022 at 10:54 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

That’s such a cool photo, it looks like they are all being kissed by a ray of sunshine. & Lemony Snickets looks right at home.

I was just glad the guppy was hanging out with them and not trying to harass and eat them. So seeing her swimming with them was a plus.

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ORD but that's cool.  Looking forward to hearing what you think of them! I am always afraid to add cones, but I definitely want to have some and add them.  My experience with IAL wasn't the best (didn't last long enough) and I love blackwater tanks as a general thing.  Getting a big lowboy with a few hundred shrimp or a ton of corydoras and some other barbs and dumping in a ton of botanicals is the dream one day.

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On 9/11/2022 at 12:45 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

ORD but that's cool.  Looking forward to hearing what you think of them! I am always afraid to add cones, but I definitely want to have some and add them.  My experience with IAL wasn't the best (didn't last long enough) and I love blackwater tanks as a general thing.  Getting a big lowboy with a few hundred shrimp or a ton of corydoras and some other barbs and dumping in a ton of botanicals is the dream one day.

That would be awesome. I never really thought I was a fan of black water. But as the catappa leaves have turned the water just a bit and the overgrown hornwort has darkened the water I'm starting to enjoy it.

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Morning fellow nerms. You know what time it is. Is Coffee with TJ time. Mid morning edition since it's Sunday and I had to close at work last night lol. The baffel for the tidal 55 arrived last night. It is a great custom direct fit for the filter. It just simply slips right onto the front lip of the discharge area of the filter. I didn't even have to turn it off or tank it off of the tank. Before I had it installed I would notice the Java windolev would have a fair amount of moving around since it's directly underneath of the discharge area. Now with the baffel in I see no movement at all. All of the floating plants are right where I place them so it's a win. Included is a photo dump of all of the friends in the killifish tank 















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Just finished the water change on the killi and friends tank. Just thought I would put a little video up of the baffel in action. 

And on a side note it any of my fellow nerms are interested in paranormal investigations you can see videos of my experiences on my YouTube as well. Just a fun fact about the TeeJay.


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Added a few of the alder and filo cones to the tank today after soaking them for almost 30 hours. I'll be sure to check the pH every other day or so to make sure it does not do major swings. I don't think they will make drastic changes. I'm hoping as they start to break down the shrimpy friends will enjoy them as a snack. I know they are getting enough to eat. But there not like fish when you can see them really going after food. Mite try some of those shrimp lolly's one day soon as well.  A ramshorn has found them and latched on lol.


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On 9/11/2022 at 2:58 PM, Guppysnail said:

Your water is like mine I think. Hard high kh. I was told I would need to add an entire almond leaf tree to really impact my ph. I never seen it move much. 

That's the kicker I have really high gh but zero kh out of the tap. That's why I had to add crushed coral to all of my tanks to get that buffer up so I don't have massive pH swings.

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The new killis are doing really well. Just fed some crushed up bug bites. The zoomed in for those🤗. I know bug bites first bites and bbs are what they are used to eating so I wanted to stick with that for them. I have never tried hatching bbs before. So I had some materials around the house and made a diy hatchery. 

Just used a shoebox size Sterlite container and cut two holes in the top of the lid. One on each side. I'm using a 2liter size bottle. This way one hole holds the bottle and the other hole is where the air line and power cord come out for the air pump. This way I can set it up. Make a batch and then everything can stay in the container until the next batch is hatched. The eggs will be here tomorrow and I'll try my hand at the first batch.


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Yes TeeJay had grumpy daughters this morning getting ready for school. 🤣 So they had me out of whack this morning getting them going on the right foot. I did get to observe the new killi friends for a few minutes while getting them some easy fry for breakfast. After eating I noticed a few more of them actively chasing each one there around. Kind of like a slow motion race since there not really huge darters. As well I believe I noticed one of the what I believe to be mature girls look a bit fuller in the belly so maybe 🤔🤗 we have one ready to have babies. Of course when I tried to get a picture she would move. 

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How they work is once they are pregnant they are always pregnant. They are only large enough to fully develop one fry at a time. When nearing the end of gestation on the first they begin on the second. So they appear to go from slim to huge (for a miniature fish 🤣) then birth much quicker than you would expect. But the real fry development time is 4 weeks part of it just happens while the other fry is ending its time in mom. 

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Welcome to cooler morning edition to coffee with TeeJay. Nice to have a temp break this morning. I'm ready for the fall. Checked on the killis this morning. Put the light on morning feature to get them woke up. Within a few mins the started stirring  around more and kind of coming to me looking to see when I would put food it. This morning was first bites. They seem to enjoy this more than easy fry so far. 

I did get my order of brine shrimp eggs in and the diy hatchery is read for is maiden voyage. Yet I am on the fence with using it or a different hatchery. I did find another I like that I can simply sit on the back of my hob this way I can use the emersed plant light to light and heat it. Still debating on what route to go since the diy takes more room and has to be set up in a different location. 

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On 9/14/2022 at 7:26 AM, Guppysnail said:

One odd tidbit. Go with ease of harvest method. Spilled bbs hatch water STINKS 👃  if you don’t get it meticulously cleaned up anywhere near carpet. Over time with difficult harvesting the amount of lost BBS add up to the price of an inexpensive hatchery. 

Exactly that was I was thinking. And the one I'm looking at isn't very much. And witt co op air line and good air stone it should work really well

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