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On 9/23/2022 at 7:27 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Casper could be the white snail and Zuul (from Ghostbusters) could be the gold one. 

I am the gatekeeper are you the key master? One of my all time faves

On 9/23/2022 at 7:35 PM, Guppysnail said:

Laurel and Hardy or Abott and Castello snails are good comedians 

Laurel and Hardy always my fav dual comedian team

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Water change day for the Cory tank. It's a bit rainy here today. So maybe a nice water change will simulate some activity with the corys. figured I would take a pic before I stir the tank up and make it cloudy. As well we may have some new plants coming in soon for there tank.


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Just finished up with the killis weekly water change. Did a bit of trimming on the pogo. Not that you're u can tell. But it's filling in that corner nicely. Added a bit of easy green and some potassium for the Java ferns. I still want more plants in it. But the Cory's need more plants before this tank does 

I def need a different phone with a better camera or just a camera in general to get better pics. My phone never does my tanks justice.


Edited by TeeJay
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I hardly see the shrimpy friends that much anymore. I mean I know there in there and they like to hide. Especially in the jungle I have set up for them. But I did catch one out and about. I think she may be pregnant. That or just a very chunky adult lol


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As I have learned not so much pregnant but this would be was beginning to molt. That part is still new to me so it's going to take some time to recognize it when it starts to happen. But I believe some have already went through there molt because there color is way more vibrate now that before. And I'm noticing more activity this evening than the past few days. Was able to catch one fairly decent pic of a couple.


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Time for the evening check on the killi tank. Just fed some first bites. I have been rotating between northfin fry, co op fry and crushed bug bites. The definitely like the bug bites first. They did pretty good with the first try at live bbs a few days ago. It's nice feeding these foods to because whatever they don't get the Cory's go crazy for at the bottom of the tank. I have noticed Mr Snicketts will usually come around when I check on this tank as well. He may not stick around for long but always comes over to say hi. As well I caught midnight cruzing in the front of the tank as well 






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It's an exciting day for TeeJay and wet friends. Got a special package in today from @Guppysnail with some fun treats and botanicals for the shrimp sanctuary. She picked up some stuff for me at the keystone clash. 

The new shrimp food from small world aquatics was a big hit. It's the first time in almost 3 months that I have the shrimp that I have seen more than one together eating. As well as a new bag of mixed botanicals to try out.

P.s. there will be another new suprise coming to the shrimp sanctuary mid to end of next week. Stay tuned 





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So a fun package arrived today with some new foods for the corys to try. Thanks to @Guppysnail for sending some me fun new treats to try out. So this evening I gave them some hikari car wafers for the first time. And within 2 mins if them being in the tank they were all over them. Even June got in on the action!

P.s. there will be some new surprises coming for the Cory tank mid to late next week! Stay tuned.


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Shall we check in on the killi friends fellow nerms?! If you have checked in on my other journals I received a package today from @Guppysnail with lots of fun things. A little something for all tanks. So in that package for the killi tank was 2 red flame swords and a crypt. As well as some other plant clippings that will later be used in all tanks. And a plethora of different food samples to try out.  So tonight the killis had ocean nutrition brine shrimp with flake food. Just gave them a bit of a crush and served. They went for it very well. So success on new food! 

Got the 2 new swords planted along with the crypt. I placed the swords on both sides of the driftwood hoping as the grow they will come up around and give more hiding are for lemony and the killis.

The rest of the plant pieces went into the 2.5 gallon with some easy green to get acclimated to my water. To say it's been an exciting evening is an understatement. 

P.s. there may be a new suprise for the killi tank mid to late next week. 

P.p.s @Guppysnail even sent me a co op boat float keychain from the keystone clash.







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On 9/29/2022 at 3:41 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Hm..... what kind of food!?  The yellow hikari wafers?

Very cool.  Looking forward to seeing that SAAAAAND!

Yeah I have been battling with myself about the sand. I keep going back and forth about it  in my head the struggle is real 🤣

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Good morning fellow nerms. Time for another edition of coffee with TeeJay. This morning we have some exciting news. We have a fully berried mommy shrimp! Now I know I have said this a few times in the past. But this time I can confirm it to be true.

Those other times I was confused on the difference in saddled and berried. Now that I have seen it for myself I understand the difference. So here is a pic of the soon too be momma.




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