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Roy's 30 Gallon Redux

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Hi All,

In late July of 2020 I set up this 30 gallon (36"X12.5"X16.75" high) for some juvie (+/- 5 month old) F1 Red Spot Green Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) that I was lucky enough to receive.  I used DIY root tabs under HTH Pool Filter Sand as the substrate and primary source of nutrients.  I filled it with a variety of plants to see which would do well in the 85 degree F temperatures that the young discus required.  You'll notice the two pieces of Malaysian driftwood have established thickets of Microsorum pteropus 'Trident' (left) and Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (right).

Here is the tank shortly after I added the discus on 8/5/2020

Well two years have passed, the juvie discus were moved out to a 75 gallon about 18 months ago and the tank has held a breeding colony of Corydoras sterbai and some older Melanotaenia parva.  In all honesty it was starting to look a little shabby with both java fern thickets in decline, the substrate looking 'dirty', and some plants taking over while others disappeared.  I contemplated doing a complete tear-down but opted instead to just do a refresh and make it ready for a couple of new species to occupy. -Roy

Notice how overgrown and in decline the Trident is doing on the left.


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I bet the corydoras love relaxing in that piece of wood that covers the sides underneath the trident.

It's definitely struggling and looks like a lot of our tanks!  It'll be interesting to see the journey with the tank 🙂.  Looking forward to it!

If you were to replace the Trident, or add a plant with some verticality behind it, what plants do you think will do well in that spot in this tank?

I believe I am very familiar with this stuff in the back!  Algae on the intake / piping?


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On 8/14/2022 at 7:53 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I bet the corydoras love relaxing in that piece of wood that covers the sides underneath the trident.

It's definitely struggling and looks like a lot of our tanks!  It'll be interesting to see the journey with the tank 🙂.  Looking forward to it!

If you were to replace the Trident, or add a plant with some verticality behind it, what plants do you think will do well in that spot in this tank?

I believe I am very familiar with this stuff in the back!  Algae on the intake / piping?


Hi @nabokovfan87

More will be revealed!  lol

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