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Blue acaras flashing


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I have two blue acaras. My EBC has been flashing and my blue acara recently did it as well. No new fish have been added for months. I’ve only seen my acaras flash, never any of the other tank mates have done it. I don’t want to jump to treating for a parasite if it’s not needed. I don’t see any signs of ICH on anyone. Do these guys look healthy?




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On 8/12/2022 at 5:54 PM, Fish Folk said:

This the two you wondered might be in pre-spawning?

Mine totally wrecked plants and did strange shimmies before spawning.

Yup these are the same two. The flashing has me more concerned with an illness rather than breeding. I don’t see any ich no other fish are flashing but my EBA does have some notches in his fins. 

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