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Viable fish eggs hitchiking on mail order plants? Surprise fry!


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I ordered a bunch of plants last week for a new 75 planted tank - plants shipped on Tuesday and I planted them on Thursday morning right after they arrived. This was a new setup using seasoned sponge filters, no fish yet.

Today (1 week from shipping) I spot teeeennnny tiny fry! I've only hatched endler fry in my tanks, which are much larger that what I am seeing here. I was not prepared for fry too small for brine shrimp or coop fry food, but did add a bit of repashy powder for them. No idea what they are, but reflective eyes are what caught my attention. Anyone had baby fish this way? They plant seller tells me they are grown outside, emersed, so they weren't in planted tanks. Some of the plants are from the Coop and planted the same day, not sure if they keep any fish in the plant tanks that might lay eggs/breed in them.

Chances for success? Tetras arrive for this tank tomorrow - but any advice, experiences welcome 🙂




Edited by Jawjagrrl
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On 8/9/2022 at 9:07 PM, Pepere said:

I had a golden topminnow fry hatch from plants in March. It is about 1.5 inches long now.

I think it survived by eating algae and other hitchiking organisms.  I received snails and ostracod and detritus worms with the plants as well.

when small it had a bright spot by the eye as well.  Took about 2 months to get big enough to identify.


Did you do anything special for them once you realized you had them? 75 gallons is a lot of space for these little guys to find food, but I imagine there are all kinds of micro foods in the plants and on my sponge filter. I do have a specimen container I could hang inside the tank, but they are so fast I can't imagine catching them.

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On 8/10/2022 at 7:45 AM, Jawjagrrl said:

I ordered a bunch of plants last week for a new 75 planted tank - plants shipped on Tuesday and I planted them on Thursday morning right after they arrived. This was a new setup using seasoned sponge filters, no fish yet.

Today (1 week from shipping) I spot teeeennnny tiny fry! I've only hatched endler fry in my tanks, which are much larger that what I am seeing here. I was not prepared for fry too small for brine shrimp or coop fry food, but did add a bit of repashy powder for them. No idea what they are, but reflective eyes are what caught my attention. Anyone had baby fish this way? They plant seller tells me they are grown outside, emersed, so they weren't in planted tanks. Some of the plants are from the Coop and planted the same day, not sure if they keep any fish in the plant tanks that might lay eggs/breed in them.

Chances for success? Tetras arrive for this tank tomorrow - but any advice, experiences welcome 🙂




 I have had two experiences with fish eggs and fish fry hitchhiking on some Anubias Nana Petite and Java Fern and they have grown up in my 10 gallon. Turns out that they were Rummynose Tetras and Dumbo Endlers. It took me around 4 months for the colors to become clear enough for me to identify what they were!

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On 8/10/2022 at 7:46 AM, CrepaPark said:

 I have had two experiences with fish eggs and fish fry hitchhiking on some Anubias Nana Petite and Java Fern and they have grown up in my 10 gallon. Turns out that they were Rummynose Tetras and Dumbo Endlers. It took me around 4 months for the colors to become clear enough for me to identify what they were!

Wow! Funny, I am adding rummynose today if the carrier comes through. There was someone here that had a live fish arrive with plants from the coop that needed help with an id, but I don't recall who. Think it ended up being a white cloud? 

I'd did get several potted plants from them last week, including some buce. The only other addition is some red root floaters from a tank with chili rasboras - never have seen fry in their tank but they'd probably eat them? 

Glad they appeared in this tank and not the other side with the adult congo tetras - who have discovered scuds are delicious!

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On 8/10/2022 at 11:31 AM, Flumpweesel said:

I had baby corys appear in vase I'd moved some moss balls into once, that caused a kafuffle.  But I never get freebies from shops super jealous of the surprise

It's still a mystery as the plants arrived frokn2 places the same morning, planted at the same time. The etsy seller I used grows emergent, but I suppose the coop plants might have had enough moisture to keep eggs going... wonder what fish are in their plant tanks in the warehouse?

I'm just jealous of the shops you have in the UK. Having access to something like Maidenhead Aquatics would be a dream come true!

On 8/10/2022 at 1:04 PM, BradfordAquatics said:

If you are wanting to save them, I would try and catch as many as possible before you add the tetras. I'm sure they'd love a fry buffet as they adjust to their new home

I tried, but they are so fast, it's almost like they teleport. They were in with a couple random endler males I didn't want to breed in my other tanks - one sort of tried to get one and failed miserably and gave up. I've seen them on occasion since the rummies arrived though - I added some floating plants for them to hide in, so we'll see. Wondering if my rasboras laid eggs in the floaters I moved originally. It may be they have been doing that for a year and then eating them. Or their betta roommate.

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On 8/10/2022 at 1:42 PM, Degenerate said:

I love mystery fry. I ordered some cherry shrimp once and ended up with a tiny little fry. I guessed it was a guppy and it ended up being an Endler. I let it grow some in the shrimp tank before moving it to my ember tetra tank.

My endler babies are surprisingly resilient, so I could see this. Hope it was a cool variety! 

We were considering some embers for our big tetra community- what's their color like in person? I only see online and I know they aren't in good color at the store.

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On 8/11/2022 at 1:59 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

Maidenhead Aquatics

They are the aquatic Starbucks over here some are better then others but I think I have 3 (that I'm aware of) within 30mins drive.

We have sooo many LFS it's crazy. In the same 30 min radius of my house there are probably another 12 LFS. I am really lucky. You can tell water rates are low in this area.


I seem to remember Cory saying that they keep SAE'S in there plant tanks. What could be be nice.

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On 8/11/2022 at 9:39 AM, Flumpweesel said:

They are the aquatic Starbucks over here some are better then others but I think I have 3 (that I'm aware of) within 30mins drive.

We have sooo many LFS it's crazy. In the same 30 min radius of my house there are probably another 12 LFS. I am really lucky. You can tell water rates are low in this area.


I seem to remember Cory saying that they keep SAE'S in there plant tanks. What could be be nice.

How lucky! I have two LFS that are over an hour away, which might be ok if there were enough inventory of anything to make the trip worthwhile given the cost of gas these days. I wanted 20 rummynose for a new 75 as an example - we would never find that many healthy ones in one place within reasonable driving distance. 

I didn't realize Maidenhead was a chain - I love the location I've seen often on the MD Fish Tanks channel - Matt seems like one of the good ones 🙂

I am on a farm with a deep well and good water, neutral and just hard enough. SAEs would make sense for plant storage, I do the same thing. I got a small batch from aqua huna and have spread them around all to all the 55s and 75s - have seen some breeding behavior. Maybe one day I'll get fry and be able to compare, but these are likely gone now. 😞 But the new plants have doubled size (the stems anyway) and the rummies arrived in fantastic condition. I found a variant called "brilliant" and they are just that! They shimmer like a pearl scale angel or even a diamond tetra. Look forward to sharing them in upcoming journal entries. 


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That's so exciting! My vote is to net out the fry or even use a cup to collect them (I use small deli cups or bottle caps to move my medaka ricefish fry) and keep them in a smaller, more manageable specimen container or jar or whatever to feed and clean easier. Sure your big tank has more edible microlife, but you could also monitor the fry more easily. Just my two cents 🙂

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