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POV: your catfish dig up your newly planted plants


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On 8/5/2022 at 1:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Lots and lots of anubias? There's a ton of plants that will do well attached to hardscape.

Thats a lot of $$$. The val is there as it is one of the only plants a coal grunter won't beat the crap out of.


On 8/5/2022 at 4:18 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

A banana plant would probably get pushed into a corner, but could root there and start spreading.

Have you considered moving the Black Tandan, or giving him away?

This little guy is my favourite fish. Fish > Plants. 

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Depending on where you are, Anacharis (Elodea densa) may be a good plant choice. They grow roots whether they are in the substrate or not. It is not a legal plant where I am, but I know it can be had in other parts of the world.

That is really cool fish! 😎

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On 8/6/2022 at 12:22 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Maybe planting some more val could help, and then hiding some other plants here and there


Yeah. The idea is for essentially the whole back to be Daintree Val, and I had a lot planted out before I put him in, but some ramshorn snails ate the leaves. 

The only plants I want in the tank is Daintree Val. I keep plants for the fish. 

On 8/6/2022 at 1:22 AM, eatyourpeas said:

Depending on where you are, Anacharis (Elodea densa) may be a good plant choice. They grow roots whether they are in the substrate or not. It is not a legal plant where I am, but I know it can be had in other parts of the world.

That is really cool fish! 😎

I do believe all Elodea is illegal where I live in NSW. 

Thanks. I love the native tandan catfishes. 

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