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Plants dying

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Does anyone have any suggestions for me... I have 2 betta tanks, with live plants in both of them. When I set up Luna's tank I had anubias on the rocks, water sprite, cryptocoyrne, and pogostemon octopus. After the tank was cycled and established I got some water spangles as floaters. I had made sure that the plants that I had chosen were good for low light. Over the past 2 months all the plants have died except for the water spangle floaters and the anubias. 
In "You Know Who's" tank his has anubias, pogostemon octopus, and I have transfered water spangles from Luna's tank. The water spangles in his tank are not growing and slowly die. But all the other plants are thriving. 

I do use seachem flourish weekly in both tanks.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be happening? My water parameters are the same: pH, nitrates. I feel bad that Luna's tank is so bare, I'm considering getting him some silk plants so that there's at least something in there. But I really want to fill it up with live plants like my other 2 tanks.

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Cryptocorne and pogostemon require root tabs, as nutrients in the water column are not enough to feed them. Iron is also required. These plants can be found on the ACO online store and if you click on directions within the listing for the plant, it breaks down what nutrients it requires.

The water spangles may have died due to moisture from the lid. The tops of floaters generally need to remain dry or they will rot.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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With the water sprite, did you make sure not to bury the "crown?"

The crown is like the central section from which a lot of roots grow and all the stems grow. If you bury the crown, the plant may not be too happy about that and start converting it's leaves into new plants that grow right from the leaves.

The plant can be difficult to keep rooted, and you might want to try it as a floating plant. Just try and trim down some stems and leaves so that it does foat upside down.

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On 7/31/2022 at 5:52 PM, Mom2jrss said:

I do use seachem flourish weekly in both tanks.

So.... This might be the issue you're having.  At minimum you're going to want to have Seachem flourish and seachem trace.  I highly recommend an all-in-one like easy green.

Plants like PSO / Water sprite in my experience enjoy light. If you have the light on high, whatever light it is, they will usually grow really well and either one can be grown in the substrate as mentioned by @Chick-In-Of-TheSea or floating.  In Cory's tubs he uses these two as floating plants and you can see the progress over time and how well it grows!


On 7/31/2022 at 5:52 PM, Mom2jrss said:

Over the past 2 months all the plants have died except for the water spangle floaters and the anubias. 
In "You Know Who's" tank his has anubias, pogostemon octopus, and I have transfered water spangles from Luna's tank. The water spangles in his tank are not growing and slowly die. But all the other plants are thriving. 

I am just guessing the plants didn't have enough of whatever they wanted. Anubias is a very low light plant, floaters get a lot of their stuff from the water and air, but might not be as sensitive as other plants. Anubias especially can grow extremely well in some pretty low conditions (low nutrients and low light).

Other plants like stems, PSO and water sprite and others, will require a bit more care and attention.  Things like root tabs help, water column fertilizers, and a decent light. 

If you would like to, please feel free to share your light so we can see what plants might work best.  As for the Seachem, how often are you dosing the chemical? How much? and what is your water parameters for nitrate when you test it?

Finally, welcome to the forum!

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