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What are these bugs?


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I was gravel vacuuming my neocardina/neon tetra 10 gallon tank.  I pulled out a few of the decorations pieces to vacuum under them.  I put them in a white dish on the table because there is usually a nerite attached so he chills there while I work.  A little water puddles in the bottom of the dish and I see some brown flecks, just like what suck up with my gravel vac.  Only they are moving.  They look exactly like shrimp poop, but they zip around in the water.  They are tiny - the size of a poppy seed.  No visible legs or antenae are visible to the naked eye, and they don't bend and curve like a work.  Just poop zooming around.  They are brown, not white.  They are never on the glass of the tank, only see them when I gravel vac.  Any ideas???

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On 7/31/2022 at 7:32 PM, Nomoretent said:

I was gravel vacuuming my neocardina/neon tetra 10 gallon tank.  I pulled out a few of the decorations pieces to vacuum under them.  I put them in a white dish on the table because there is usually a nerite attached so he chills there while I work.  A little water puddles in the bottom of the dish and I see some brown flecks, just like what suck up with my gravel vac.  Only they are moving.  They look exactly like shrimp poop, but they zip around in the water.  They are tiny - the size of a poppy seed.  No visible legs or antenae are visible to the naked eye, and they don't bend and curve like a work.  Just poop zooming around.  They are brown, not white.  They are never on the glass of the tank, only see them when I gravel vac.  Any ideas???

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Maybe seed shrimp?

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