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Leopard Tadpole rescue (disease?)

Jedi Kaleo

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Found this tadpole in a class at my kids school in some pretty rough conditions. It was in about 0.25-0.5 gallons of murky still water. I volunteered to donate a 3 gallon tank with filter that I had laying around as a quarantine tank. When I took a closer look the tadpole, it looked to not be doing so good. It moves around but has a crooked tail and some kind of injury or abscess. I did not take water parameters as I was mainly focused on drip acclimation and transfer to a clean tank. Does anyone have advice as to what to treat with? Maybe melafix for bacterial?



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I personally would give it some time in good conditions. Tadpoles undergo so many changes he may be ok. Amphibians breath through skin and I am uncertain at what point this begins in the lifecycle or if it is from birth. Medication affects amphibians very differently. I have previously reached out to Josh Frogs online for amphibian questions and they have been extremely helpful. 

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