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Nerite snail eggs ?


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Yes nerite snails are amazing I love all the variety and the benefits of keeping them. But I’ve been collecting all I have to condense them down to 1 tank. That tank will have absolutely no wood in there that I’d ever use again.(maybe a little dramatic) BUT….01B470BF-A192-4E67-96F9-B6EE3631CB11.jpeg.37a56669289e9fe7d73b017d3e07b1ae.jpeg


I know on glass the eggs eventually fall off but it seems to be lasting forever on my logs/ wood, these two examples are the ones that are not so bad. Most of the others are turned in positions I don’t necessarily want them to hide as much as possible. Most of them look like this⬇️3D7F3A27-2FD7-4206-A104-BB13B0786458.jpeg.53e42d02d447023dd83059a0f19eedbe.jpeg

I am planning unless someone has a better option, I will remove one piece at a time and tweezer, pick, scrape, even if I have to bite it off I will remove all them eggs. 
I am desperate to find a better option, it seems like such a daunting task I probably have 6 larger pieces and 10 smaller to small pieces.🫣🥺😟😔

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A fine to medium wood rasp or any metal file for woodworking takes them right off. You being such a great carpenter I’m certain you have stuff like this. if it’s clean you don’t even need to remove the wood, just do it under water. I’m now mom to 39 nerites…I’ve got this covered 🤣However remember the dot candy on paper we used to bite off…that’s what I pictured you doing 🤣

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 7/24/2022 at 9:50 AM, Guppysnail said:

However remember the dot candy on paper we used to bite off…that’s what I pictured you doing 🤣

Oh man, they're flavorless, hard as a rock, and you end up with a mouth full of paper, but those are the best.

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On 7/24/2022 at 10:50 AM, Guppysnail said:

if it’s clean you don’t even need to remove the wood, just do it under water.

I do have plenty of rasp and file type of tools I’ll definitely give them a try. But I’m gonna have to remove the wood to do so, there are way to many to remove to do it bent over the front of an aquarium.

39 nerites that’s nice. I’ll have to keep up on cleaning after them if I do all this cleaning and let any back in other tanks. 🤣😂🤣


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My Nerites tend to lay most of their eggs under cover, so they aren't a huge problem for me. Breaking the eggs seems to speed up the decay process, but doesn't remove them. 

Nylon Parts cleaning brushes might work for cleaning the wood. They are stiffer than tooth brushes, and inexpensive.  I haven't got any wood in my tanks, but I assume that any egg removal will change the appearance (damage) of the wood.

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On 7/26/2022 at 9:40 PM, MrWestCoast said:

It's a mystery how and why my nerite snails chose specific piece of wood to attach eggs to. I have 3 pieces of wood in the aquarium. One (mopani wood) is riddled with eggs, the other two (unknown type of wood) are completely bare.

Mine definitely focus on mopani but they also get on spider wood and some rocks. 

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Beyond menu options, I'm not convinced that the Nerites give any consideration to the egg laying site  Mine favor one side of one rock, and the roots and rhizome on one of the Anubia.  At the same time, They have laid eggs single file like a string of pearls across the front glass, and scattered about🐇

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If you have enough wood rasping plecos in the tank, nerite eggs don’t appear to be a problem.  I rarely see nerite eggs in my 100 G nanofish tank but I have a clown pleco, and a whole passel of bristlenose plecos in there.  It’s pretty much the only tank with nerites in it now.  I have other snails in my other tanks.

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On 7/27/2022 at 10:03 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

What else is in your tank?  My nerite eggs don't look bright white like the objects in your photo.  They are more translucent.

Nerite eggs are white as far as I’ve ever seen.  Do you have a pic of your translucent ones?  Those may not be nerite eggs.

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