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Recommendations for finding a glass feeding dish?

Lexi B

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I've got a blind betta and recently saw someone else using a glass dish to ensure that the betta can find the food without getting impacted or losing it in the substrate, which i thought was a much better alternative to hand feeding an already lazy boy. Does anyone know where I could start looking around for something like that? I'm wary to just pick out any glass I see since I know working at a craft store they sometimes had oil/protective chemicals on them.

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I would search for shrimp feeding dishes as glass dishes are used in shrimp keeping a lot. They also have feeding tubes that you can stick to the side of the tank so food falls into the dish without getting your hand wet. 

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They have the shrimp dishes like above mentioned. If you want something on the surface you can potentially try a feeding ring or a worm cone.


They also might have something like a glass spoon rest that would work as well.

Secondly, you can make one out and use a suction cup / airline hose.  That might be enough and you might have the supplies on hand.


Edited by nabokovfan87
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