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I think you're okay. With some of these changes that happened, I'm not surprised that the cycle is still in progress. 

You had set up another tank as well, right? How is that one doing? Did that one cycle and stabilize? 

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On 7/27/2022 at 6:49 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I got the gang valve from amazon, aquaneat or something is likely the brand.  Aquarium co-op sells all of the stuff now.  Ziss airstones, metal gang valve, and they all are what I run.



LOL one of these days I promise I won't try to move the bottles out of the way so I can see the color chart.  My dyslexia has me doing comical things trying to get the color chart order in line with the bottle order in line with the vial order.

I saw the one above and just had to giggle.  "nah, I can't tell".

I think the values are "within range", but just keep an eye out.  You're definitely making progress!


Haha I never even thought about you guys seeing the chart. That’s my bad lol.  Thank you all so much for the information. Im going to try to get the air stone this week using your suggestions. The water has been holding pretty steady the past few days. Except yesterday the first test showed super high levels of ammonia but the subsequent tests showed the same as above. So not sure what happened there, but it seems to be leveling out. I’ve only done one water change in the past four days. I appreciate everyone sticking with me through this and I know Moby does too. He has been swimming all around and enjoying his log more only rarely looking out the back of the tank♥️



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On 7/31/2022 at 8:05 PM, MommaOlenik said:

Except yesterday the first test showed super high levels of ammonia but the subsequent tests showed the same as above. So not sure what happened there, but it seems to be leveling out

Super weird! All I can think is a certain food or something that causes it.

Difficult to say.

On 7/31/2022 at 8:05 PM, MommaOlenik said:

He has been swimming all around and enjoying his log more only rarely looking out the back of the tank♥️

Very cool!  I hope both of you are recovering from all the stress 🙂

On 7/31/2022 at 8:05 PM, MommaOlenik said:


Ammonia looks about .1-.15 ppm.

I don't remember, but potentially this is from the tap?

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On 7/31/2022 at 11:52 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Super weird! All I can think is a certain food or something that causes it.

Difficult to say.

Very cool!  I hope both of you are recovering from all the stress 🙂

Ammonia looks about .1-.15 ppm.

I don't remember, but potentially this is from the tap?

No, I’m finishing what’s left of the spring water still. So it’s definitely not from the tap. I think maybe I just got a sample of where he just peed or something lol. It was weird. Or maybe I put in too many drops. Who knows. But I tested two more times after that and both had just a tiny amount. The passed few days have been pretty good with no ammonia or just trace amounts. I’ve also noticed some brown algae starting to grow. And a bit of fin regrowth on Moby from the touch of fin rot he got from all of this. Today is a good day!! 🥹

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On 7/31/2022 at 11:52 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Super weird! All I can think is a certain food or something that causes it.

Difficult to say.

Very cool!  I hope both of you are recovering from all the stress 🙂

Ammonia looks about .1-.15 ppm.

I don't remember, but potentially this is from the tap?

I definitely am happy to be hopefully at the end of this. I can’t believe what a roller coaster this has been. Definitely was a lot more tolerable with all your support. Thank you!

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On 7/31/2022 at 11:52 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Super weird! All I can think is a certain food or something that causes it.

Difficult to say.

Very cool!  I hope both of you are recovering from all the stress 🙂

Ammonia looks about .1-.15 ppm.

I don't remember, but potentially this is from the tap?

Super cute little fin bump from Moby today!9B40512F-7E64-490D-9533-A337D99EF69D.png.11d0b46aa5a2e036432821bcfb2c34ab.png

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On 8/3/2022 at 8:20 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

One day I will get a betta. Honestly, I'm so worried because I've seen so many issues trying to keep them!

I am so relieved to see you and the little one relaxing and recovering. Happy days.

The crazy thing is I don’t remember a time where I haven’t had a betta and I’ve never had issues like this. And I even had them in those crazy small bowls believing the pet stores that they were happy in a small space like that. I never even had a filter or a heater. Definitely never tested my water until I started with cichlids and dabbled with saltwater.   I think breeding has a lot to do with it. I’ve rescued a few in bad shape from the chain pet stores and have had mixed luck. I just lost the last one that had a terrible case of fin rot. He started getting better then it just came back with a vengeance. I absolutely recommend them. They have fun personalities. When I was doing all of this stuff to his tank he would literally follow me until I would stop moving so he could curl up in my hand. So cool. Thank you so much, very happy days!!!

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It'll be very interesting one day when you get a bolivian ram!  That's my betta type single tank fish of choice right now.  I really need to find a green and black or all black betta from a decent source.  I have been tempted a few times, but just always worry about filtration and so many other variables.  One day 🙂 .

My "betta" right now is Grace the shark.  She gets her own tank for her and it's made and setup JUST for her 🙂 .  She gets to hang out with 30 of her panda bros, but that's entirely her choice.  She is a Red-Tailed Black Shark and just the most unique personality, exactly like a betta or ram.  So fun when you do get a chance to connect with a fish one on one so often.

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On 8/3/2022 at 9:34 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It'll be very interesting one day when you get a bolivian ram!  That's my betta type single tank fish of choice right now.  I really need to find a green and black or all black betta from a decent source.  I have been tempted a few times, but just always worry about filtration and so many other variables.  One day 🙂 .

My "betta" right now is Grace the shark.  She gets her own tank for her and it's made and setup JUST for her 🙂 .  She gets to hang out with 30 of her panda bros, but that's entirely her choice.  She is a Red-Tailed Black Shark and just the most unique personality, exactly like a betta or ram.  So fun when you do get a chance to connect with a fish one on one so often.

Oh she sounds awesome. Do you have any pictures of her??

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On 8/4/2022 at 12:04 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

She's a night owl.  The corys were going bananas and then she wanted to play or make sure they were ok. One of those two. 😂


Oh wow Grace is beautiful. Love the setup and everything. Is she an adult or baby?

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On 8/4/2022 at 7:27 PM, MommaOlenik said:

Is she an adult or baby?

I assume she's full grown.  I moved her back in the tank with her panda bros.  They grew up in a 75G tank and she's basically has always been the one the tank in centered around and made for.  She knows it too! LOL.


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On 8/4/2022 at 10:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I assume she's full grown.  I moved her back in the tank with her panda bros.  They grew up in a 75G tank and she's basically has always been the one the tank in centered around and made for.  She knows it too! LOL.


That’s awesome. She probably enjoys having the company. That’s why I try to interact with Moby so he doesn’t get bored. Haha

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  • 2 months later...

Finally… I think the nightmare is over. After feeding kanaplex via food for a little over two weeks. Then waiting another week or so, I am finally starting to see fin growth AND bubble blowing. He is even getting the blue back on his face 🥹. He got a bad case of fin rot after the cycled crashed. Now, water is good, fins are growing, and Moby is my happy, gentle, and excitable little guy. Thank you all so much for your help, you literally saved his life and my heart!! ♥️01E384F9-FF21-4C9B-BE10-8BAE5BB73553.png.d621a9992ff75693971d716960260084.png7BAC860D-DB13-410F-9818-F493C9977624.png.854652e980a4edc60a17a3faa275ab1e.png

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