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Galaxy Rasbora and Bettas


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I’ve got a female betta in my 55 with CPD. There are tons of other fish and it is heavily planted. As a matter of course, I keep that tank 78 - but it’s been 82 the last five days treating ICH and the CPDs are no worse for the wear so far. They love hiding out and it has taken a while for them to not just be “terrified of life” but they are finally coming out. Mine hang out around my centerpiece of decor and the lower third (where the thickest plants are). The bettas are everywhere (no preference of area) and they ignore the CPDs. It’s almost like they know the CPDs aren’t competition and so decided they aren’t worth any attention. They pretty much ignore each other m, if they encounter each other - they just swim on by. The bettas are much likely to conflict with my mollies.
Know they are such small fish. Even full grown - so small. They are permanently snack sized. I grew mine out to adult size before mixing them in the community tank and made sure it is heavily planted to help protect them. I honestly think a large betta could turn anything short of an adult into an expensive snack. 

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On 7/1/2022 at 3:58 AM, Keeg said:

You're the first person ive heard call celestial pearl danios galaxy rasboras in a very long time. Kudos! I would keep them together at around 76 degrees F if they were housed together. 

They came into my lfs with this name and both the owner and I were supposed they came in with this name too. 

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