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Help me think through this please. Ok  3 to be safe and spread aggression in case. 3 in a 20long is pushing it??? Yes no. Will they get along with my CPD and a breeding pair of lemon bn pleco?  If so all 4 he has can go in a 40 and I’ll move things about. My first time with these so I don’t know personality. 😵💫 But I don’t want them there or 4 

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On 10/14/2022 at 3:19 PM, Guppysnail said:

Help me think through this please. Ok  3 to be safe and spread aggression in case. 3 in a 20long is pushing it??? Yes no. Will they get along with my CPD and a breeding pair of lemon bn pleco? 

They literally won't bother anything.  They have their areas. So if you have areas for them, they will hang out there. I think it's dean, his first video on the channel he talks about how to setup a tank for rams.  He does multiple pairs in a 10-29G tank.  I think you'd be fine, all depending on the scape.  If you have something big in the middle, they swim around, you're fine.  Lots of plants helps a ton as well because they hide like ninjas in the jungle!

On 10/14/2022 at 6:51 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Prime Time says they also defend their area if they have spawned.

They should also do this normally, even by themselves.  They just like to have their own homes.  Yours does it with food and all kinds of stuff too.  Same behavior.  When they spawn, literally nothing is getting in there. It's like the way grace the shark is. She has her spot, it's hers! 😂

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On 10/14/2022 at 5:19 PM, Guppysnail said:

Help me think through this please. Ok  3 to be safe and spread aggression in case. 3 in a 20long is pushing it??? Yes no. Will they get along with my CPD and a breeding pair of lemon bn pleco?  If so all 4 he has can go in a 40 and I’ll move things about. My first time with these so I don’t know personality. 😵💫 But I don’t want them there or 4 

I’m going to say it depends on their personality.  I’ve read a few articles that say a group gets along fine.  Our two really don’t  bother any other fish.  Even when the kuhli loach kept crashing into the big ram, he didn’t even do anything.  It looked like the loach was intentionally smashing into the ram as it did circles.  But neither really bothered the other.

I would have a plan to separate a ram if needed but the 40 gal seems like enough room for the 4 if they get along.

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On 10/17/2022 at 8:39 PM, Guppysnail said:

What are Snoopy’s favorite commercial foods?

The easiest thing to feed to him is Hikari cichlid gold sinking. I have the mini pellets but they are too big for him (video wayyy earlier in this journal) so I crush them with the bottom of a glass. I believe there is also micro pellet size but it’s harder to find. He likes frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp. I’ve also given him live brine shrimp.

It’s hard to give him flakes. He’s not a big fan of going to the top, but he will watch to see if any float down (Xtreme Krill). He usually doesn’t get any with the frenzy and whatnot - I think this is how this thread started. And it was originally named “The tetras are jerks” LOL.  The solution was to get him used to going to one area, in my case I trained him to go to the mouth of his tunnel, and there he always has a food stash at feeding time - if I see that he misses out on something else. He knows to go there and check. The tetras do not like going underneath things for some reason, so most of the time it works well, but occasionally there is one tetra that gets curious and tries to steal a bite. But Snoopy just runs him off. And he was easy to train because he’s “snoopy” about whatever I do in the tank.

I’ve been saying quite a bit that he bottom feeds. That’s his preference. But he has adapted to his tank mates and has begun to feed midlevel too as you can see in the last bloodworm video.

When I first got Snoopy he was a lot more shy (toward other fish and food competition). Now he holds his own much better.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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I haven't tried any of the cichlid foods, but totally makes sense for him. I don't have much available near me. I'll have to see what's there next time we go to the store. Are the pellet sizes smaller than the Xtreme ones?

Off topic. But watching it now. Have you seen or heard of "13 Lives"?  It's directed by Ron Howard. Stars Strider from LOTR and Colin Farrell. Pretty amazing stuff. I've never known cave rescue divers is a thing but that absolutely makes sense. (Amazon prime movie)

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On 10/18/2022 at 12:01 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Are the pellet sizes smaller than the Xtreme ones?

I don't know. I don't have any Xtreme pellets, only flakes.

On 10/18/2022 at 12:01 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Have you seen or heard of "13 Lives"?  It's directed by Ron Howard. Stars Strider from LOTR and Colin Farrell. Pretty amazing stuff. I've never known cave rescue divers is a thing but that absolutely makes sense. (Amazon prime movie)

No, but I watched Thai Cave Rescue.  True story.  A young boys' soccer team get stranded inside what was supposed to be an open air cave, but while they were in there a monsoon came and they got trapped.  Give it a watch sometime; it's incredible.

The compartment of the cave they were stranded in, it took 8 hours to get to by dive.  And so what they had to do was sedate each child and then dive them out so that there was no panic underwater.  Divers didn't know how to give shots, but there were several tranq shots they had to give along the way, so they had to learn.  There was tons of current and it was very difficult.  Divers got exhausted, new divers were called in.  Hard to find divers that qualified.  Navy Seal divers couldn't do it; it was beyond their training.  So they called in cave divers from England (??) I think to perform the rescue.

Then they set up stations where there was a different diver in each part of the cave, and it was like a bucket brigade sort of thing where the child would be passed to the next diver and so on until they reached the exit.  I think there were 12 or 13 team members, that includes the coach.  

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 10/18/2022 at 6:11 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

No, but I watched Thai Cave Rescue.  True story.  A young boys' soccer team get stranded inside what was supposed to be an open air cave, but while they were in there a monsoon came and they got trapped.  Give it a watch sometime; it's incredible.

Yeah, this is about the same soccer team and the rescue.

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Sad tonight.  Our little guy died today.  I had moved him to a quarantine tank while setting up a new 29 gallon for him.  He didn’t really grow at the same pace as the big one but I think that’s because he was scared. He was looking healthy just small.   He started acting weird yesterday I noticed.  Swimming sideways and such.  Kinda like flashing so I thought maybe he got sick from stress or something .  Today is was clear he wouldn’t survive probably but I started some meds hoping for the best.

Now I don’t know what I want to do with the new empty 29 gal.  We have had a rough run lately with female guppies too in a different tank.  Our males are doing great with the big ram.

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Very sorry for your issues and losses @redfish

Maybe there's something going on and we can talk through the whole setup in the disease section?  If that would be beneficial, by all means we're all here to help.

Unfortunately, it happens. The thing I would suggest right now is to just keep the tank running and focus on plants or something until you decide what you would like to do.

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Snoopy’s bottom front fins are very bright blue today, like a black light. The pic doesn’t do it justice. It’s very shimmery in person. And the spots on his bottom back fins are showing up well today too. Snoopy is a happy guy.

Flakes all around for everybody. He energetically makes his way through the pack now and feeds just under the surface. He does pretty well for himself.

He always spends some time socializing with me too. He notices when I am at the tank.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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