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Best Back Ground Color

Kurt Brutting

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This may be a bit too far out for you, but I would still go with a black background but I’d jungle that tank up like mad so you still see him often enough against the green or red leaves.  But he would slip in and out of the leaves and in and out of sight like a ninja!  You’d have to live with not always being able to see him, but most Bettas will come to be fed reliably.  If that’s not him, then I would probably go with blue.  😆 I don’t know if I could deal with a Betta that didn’t come to feed reliably AND I couldn’t spot him reasonably reliably.  I have plenty of fish that I don’t see reliably (clown pleco I see about every 3 months, for one), but a Betta, I think I would need to see him daily to check on him.

Edited by Odd Duck
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I'd go with black, unless you are going to allow the sides to overgrow with algae instead of the back of the tank. Most "black" bettas have some blue in them, and a black background will set it off nicely. Especially if you heavily plant the tank.

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Green or printed background but only black hides our hardware inside the tank so you are probably in for some trial and error before you settle.

I've done patterned blue in the past but that was inside the tank and I could lift it out and deep clean to keep the algae in check.

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On 6/18/2022 at 4:47 PM, Patrick_G said:

@Kurt Brutting, in that tank I might try one of the aquascsped backgrounds. They can look really nice. I think @Jungle Fanhas one in his spectacular 75g jungle tank. 


@Patrick_G I'm home for a bit before I have to head out for more treatments. I got my background from DeepBlueThemes, was a bit pricey but I had it produced specifically for my tank from one of their themes called Classic Greens that displayed plenty of driftwood overgrown with Bucephalandra and Anubias and works perfectly for my jungle tank as sort of a continuation of my plantings.


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@Kurt Brutting I've tried 3D backgrounds multiple times but decided against them for my 75 gallon tank because they tend to take away a lot of space and I did want to place multiple driftwood stumps for my epiphytes and the moss. Also depending on the quality of the materials used the 3D backgrounds were a mixed bag for me, one that had a rough surface and imitated stone ended up being a green algae magnet, and some of the wall with resin stumps tended to discolor over the years. My current background came rolled but lay 100% flat out of the tube and was self adhesive with the provided liquid and I can say that after now 2 years I have still no air bubbles, or separation anywhere. 

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@Kurt Bruttingim have a i tone of tanks and if you want I can show a few back rounds. Bblack is the best but I do also like the 3d backgrounds but it took me 4 to find one I really liked. I’m not’s says nothing else will work as a quick look in the web show great tanks with other back rounds. I know the fish is black to so you may have to add so color with plants or drift wood. You will get it the way you like it. If you are not total sure and don’t want to paint it on some of the landscaping pics you can buy the re verse is black or blue. Try tone of those be for you paint if you are on the edge. I have black angelfish with black and the atill stand out I do have a few plants but not much. Good luck and I think the betta with have a great life with a good ower.

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