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On 10/19/2022 at 6:47 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I saw my coffeefolia today when I was cleaning the tank and it had a new leaf.

Woohoo!! Go little plant, go!

Mine have some algae that the snails can’t seem to remove and neither can I. I’m not gonna worry about it though. In this tank k think only one leaf has it, but look at the one in the main tank. You may have to zoom in. It is a dark green algae and it will not come off with a fingernail scrape. The snails have teeth too and they try to clean it also but it won’t budge. I guess I could RR it but that’s low priority right now. 


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On 10/19/2022 at 4:14 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Mine have some algae that the snails can’t seem to remove and neither can I. I’m not gonna worry about it though. In this tank k think only one leaf has it, but look at the one in the main tank. You may have to zoom in. It is a dark green algae and it will not come off with a fingernail scrape. The snails have teeth too and they try to clean it also but it won’t budge. I guess I could RR it but that’s low priority right now. 

In the EU for that stuff, they hold the leaf and use a powered toothbrush.  Crazy, but I'm sure it works.  I've got a few brushes in my kit not for that type of application.

On 10/19/2022 at 4:24 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:


KYLO REN!  LOL.  Sith Trooper looks awesome.

I love how they did his entire suit with the robes down to the ground.  Impressive artwork for sure.

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Well I got the new 5.5 tank in the door very sneakily. Husband was taking a nap! 5.5 because the bottom shelf is designed to hold a 5.5. It’s not too noticeable right?


Wish I could say something exciting was happening with it, but I think I’m gonna use it as my new quarantine tank. With the tote, clear as it seems, I still miss symptoms.

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I got my 5.5 gallon polycarbonate lid today. I gotta say, I’m impressed. The packaging was great with several layers of bubble wrap, the fit is perfect, and the precut holes are nice, neat, and convenient. 


The lid is clear but there is a protective film on it. I am going to leave it there until I start the tank.


The lid has a feeding hole but I bought the optional plug to keep any nerites in, or in case a fish jumps.



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On 10/25/2022 at 8:42 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The next thing I need is a light, but I don’t want to overpower the little tank. Might just get another Hygger. I dig the 24/7 cycle that simulates sunrise, daylight, and moonlight. Anybody have any nano tank lights they would suggest?

I’m hygger all the way. All my tanks run on them. 

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On 10/25/2022 at 5:42 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Anybody have any nano tank lights they would suggest?

 I would say wait for the ACO lights to see what it has for features and how it compares.....

VERY awesome lid.  Is there any way to custom order one or is it only pre-set lid sizes and layouts?

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Picked up this dealio at the retail giant beginning with a W.  Could be helpful for the 5.5 on the bottom shelf.  Will have to give it a whirl and see how well it works.



Substrate next. PFS again. While nutrient rich substrates were tempting, they are too wonky with pH for my liking. I don’t play the pH game. #optout

PFS sand does a good job with holding plants and providing filtration as it houses both anerobic and aerobic bacteria, whereas gravel only houses aerobic because there are large gaps that water travels through.

The mulm has now settled and I think I will leave it there and do a locking layer of sand (using the mess-free method: earlier in this journal) on top so that the future plant roots can enjoy some treats. I will have to see if the mulm will stay put for that. 


Oh yeah. Didn’t I tell you guys this was gonna be the new QT tank? I lied. 🙂

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 10/27/2022 at 6:13 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Could be helpful for the 5.5 on the bottom shelf.  Will have to give it a whirl and see how well it works.

I use a small python and a 1.5 gallon Rubbermaid container sitting on the floor. It’s great since my floor tanks are snails and shrimp. I can easily see and rescue any babies that take the water slide ride. 

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On 10/27/2022 at 7:12 AM, Guppysnail said:

I use a small python and a 1.5 gallon Rubbermaid container sitting on the floor. It’s great since my floor tanks are snails and shrimp. I can easily see and rescue any babies that take the water slide ride.

This gives me an idea.  And an excuse to buy a clear 1-gallon bucket.... full of ice cream.... or sherbet.... 🙂   Just for the bucket, you see... no other reason. 😏

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So I got a package. Who do you think this is from? 😉


It’s plants!

We have “guppysnail grass” which I placed in the plant nursery (garage) to recover from the long journey. The grow light has a ratcheting clip on top of the cord which allows me to raise and lower the light as needed. Also check out all that nerm glitter (duckweed & salvinia)!  





Then we have swords. Within seconds these 2 guys needed to inspect the product. 



And here’s a photo dump of the other swords and what I’ve been told are “various bulbs”.  I'm told they are in need of some TLC so let's see how they do!




Nibbles makes an appearance.











 No breakfast for snails today. They are on gardening duty and will remove any failing leaves. Failing leaves stop producing allelochemicals (snail deterrents that healthy plant leaves produce) and that’s how snails know they are allowed to do their pruning. 🙂

Thanks @Guppysnail! 🥰

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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You are welcome. As well fed and pampered as my fish and snails are my plants are starved. It’s survival of the fittest only in my tanks. The roots were great on the swords so I’m hoping you can resuscitate them. It may take awhile on the bulbs. They went dormant at the beginning of the year. One or two tried to sprout again but without fertz they may take a bit to regain needed stored nutrients. 🤗

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Well, now that that’s over, here’s a happy piece of anacharis pearling like crazy from the root.

I spent TOO MUCH time doing water changes on the 5.5g. There was a TON of mulm in there, and I decided it didn’t seem feasible to do a sand cap. I’m certain the sand would have just stirred everything up, as the mulm was so lightweight.

I’m having second thoughts about this tank. Because of the small water volume and its position on the bottom shelf, it was a lot of back & forth. I siphoned into a dish pan, and I was trying to add water back with a bucket, but there wasn’t enough clearance for the bucket to empty it completely. So I used a gallon water jug, but I don’t like holding something that heavy over the tank; what if it slips? Also it doesn’t fit that great between the shelves to pour it. So I’m giving thought to what the process is going to be. I want it to be easy to maintain this tank. (I’m sure I will not be changing this much water at a time later though.)

Here’s where we’re at. Another water change or two should do it. That’s for another day.



And this is junk. It’s getting returned.


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On 10/29/2022 at 10:44 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW! *expletive! expletive! 😡

RIP Red bucket.  You didn't last, but you were loved and cherished. 

That sucks.  At first, I thought it was much worse then a bucket!  Glad it's all ok.


On 10/29/2022 at 1:06 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Well, now that that’s over, here’s a happy piece of anacharis pearling like crazy from the root.

That's one of my favorite things.  It makes the tank feel like a chemistry set making magic potions or something 😂

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On 10/29/2022 at 8:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

RIP Red bucket.  You didn't last, but you were loved and cherished.

Lol. I liked that it was red too. That’s what I used for my hospital tank only.

On 10/29/2022 at 8:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

At first, I thought it was much worse then a bucket


On 10/29/2022 at 8:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

That's one of my favorite things.  It makes the tank feel like a chemistry set making magic potions or something 😂

It was cool! It was like an air line was in the tank. Usually I see bubbles sitting on leaves but this is a first! Go plants! 

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On 10/30/2022 at 6:36 AM, Guppysnail said:

When they start to get see through is my cue to remove them and find them homes with less neglectful plant parents that won’t starve them 🤣

They are pretty attached though, grippin that root. See through, yes. Melty, no (surprisingly). I’m gonna let it ride out. If they float up, I will remove them.

Something is happening here.



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