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Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Tank Mates?

Patrick M

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Hello! I currently have a 75g aquarium that I am interested in adding an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey to. The measurements are 48Lx18Wx22H. I was wondering what, if any, tankmates would be good for this type of setup. I've read that Denison Barbs are an option, has anyone had success with them with an EBJD? The tank currently has moderate/low amount of plants (with plans for more) and plenty of wood/hiding spaces. My filtration is a Fluval 407 canister filter. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Patrick M
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Jack Dempseys can sometimes be bullies. Electric blues are sometimes a little smaller and a bit more mild mannered, but they are still large cichlids. Successful tank mates can be large schooling fish like silver dollars (maybe your barbs if they are large enough), fish that occupy different areas (like plecos), and sometimes other cichlids, especially if they are smaller and won't challenge the JD (like convicts, fire mouths, etc.). 

The other issue that you may encounter are your plants. JDs will probably dig, uproot, and drag your plants around. Mostly only floating plants do well with them. 

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