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I did a thing. Amano shrimp


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So I did a thing.

after a month of fret. I ordered shrimp off eBay. Htown Guppy. I didn’t get 10 plus one more like 9 maybe 10. They are hard to count but they are all alive and healthy.

I put five in betta tank last night. And this morning four more maybe five bc some where inside a pod and I dropped the whole pod lol.

anyways the betta is starting to go blind and yes he chased them but didn’t catch any.


they are brave. They go right up to the betta face to face touch his body, swim all around him. Brave brave shrimp.

I’ve never had shrimp.

I have to buffer with crushed coral anyways due to old tank and oh dropping to 6 and gh and kh wjere non existent before the coral.

We now have stable ph 7.4, kh 40, and gh somewhere between40-60.


I had lotus pods and many other botanicals. I have algae wafted and repashy. I have plenty of biofilm and bba for them to eat.


what else should I do



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Amanos like fish food.  It’s pretty funny to see them scurry off with a pellet.  I once watched a bold one slowly hauling off a very large algae wafer in my pea puffer tank (intended to feed the snail and scud colonies).  S/he had to drag, then rest, drag, then rest.  Anything small they just pick up and scurry away with it.

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On 6/4/2022 at 1:25 PM, Odd Duck said:

Amanos like fish food.  It’s pretty funny to see them scurry off with a pellet.  I once watched a bold one slowly hauling off a very large algae wafer in my pea puffer tank (intended to feed the snail and scud colonies).  S/he had to drag, then rest, drag, then rest.  Anything small they just pick up and scurry away with it.

I’ve noticed they go after the food. They are brave and awesome!!!

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Amanos are super fun. My wife likes them better than most of our fish. They’re like little bandits at feeding time. I generally have success in keeping them, but in my experience the jumbo sized ones have a better survival rate. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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On 6/4/2022 at 3:14 PM, Patrick_G said:

Amanos are super fun. My wife like them better than most of our fish. They’re like little bandits at feeding time. I generally have success in keeping them, but in my experience the jumbo sized ones have a better survival rate. 

This is my first shrimp ever!

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On 6/4/2022 at 3:14 PM, Patrick_G said:

Amanos are super fun. My wife likes them better than most of our fish. They’re like little bandits at feeding time. I generally have success in keeping them, but in my experience the jumbo sized ones have a better survival rate. 

Never even heard of jumbos so cool

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Hikari Crab Cuisine might be a good thing to feed them along with your bettas food.  They will absolutely go after anything you put in the tank like little bandits!

It is very likely you will see them release zoeys into the tank (baby shrimp) and potentially that is something the betta might eat.  The shrimp unfortunately won't develop into fully grown amanos because they require brackish water to do so, but I always think it's a nice symbiotic relationship for my tanks that do have them.

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On 6/5/2022 at 8:17 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Hikari Crab Cuisine might be a good thing to feed them along with your bettas food.  They will absolutely go after anything you put in the tank like little bandits!

It is very likely you will see them release zoeys into the tank (baby shrimp) and potentially that is something the betta might eat.  The shrimp unfortunately won't develop into fully grown amanos because they require brackish water to do so, but I always think it's a nice symbiotic relationship for my tanks that do have them.

I heard the babies won’t survive.

I have some algae wafers and repashy grub pie and Soylent Green.

I also have dr basslers and betta food. 


I will check out the crab cuisine 

They also hide a lot and come out and eat and hide again. Is that normal for them to only be out a few hours a day!?


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On 6/5/2022 at 6:15 PM, JessLynne7 said:

They also hide a lot and come out and eat and hide again. Is that normal for them to only be out a few hours a day!?

Sort of depends. Let me get a video for you. In my tank, nothing there. You can see about half of them, maybe 2/3rd. It's basically an Amano tank with some fish in it that sit on the bottom.

They are somewhat sensitive to light and do tend to be way more active after the lights go out. If they have wood, you might see them a bit more active but that's down to personality. Some of mine would honestly just hide all day underneath the wood.

Edit: The tank started getting dark and it's lights out for them. They all scattered from food when I turned it on so I grab a video tomorrow. 🙂

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On 6/5/2022 at 9:44 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Sort of depends. Let me get a video for you. In my tank, nothing there. You can see about half of them, maybe 2/3rd. It's basically an Amano tank with some fish in it that sit on the bottom.

They are somewhat sensitive to light and do tend to be way more active after the lights go out. If they have wood, you might see them a bit more active but that's down to personality. Some of mine would honestly just hide all day underneath the wood.

Edit: The tank started getting dark and it's lights out for them. They all scattered from food when I turned it on so I grab a video tomorrow. 🙂

They have lotus pods and all sorts of botanicals. Cholla wood on the way.

I just got them with the flash light bc it’s lights out and I saw a lot of the bigger ones out.

the smaller ones still Mia! 

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On 6/12/2022 at 8:58 AM, JessLynne7 said:

so you know those plastic heater protectors the shrimp are going down in there. Do I need to remove this

They might end up on the heater as a result instead of the guard.

Are they going on it because it's shady? Because the flow? Because of the food stuck in the grate? Because there's not other surfaces for them to graze on during the day that is shady?

Shake out the filter in your tank and see howuch gunk comes out. If it's bad I usually unplug it, wait 20-30 minutes for it to cool and then take it to a sink and deep clean it.

If you're not sure about the scape, just send a photo and we can check it out. I still owe you a video.

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On 6/12/2022 at 12:16 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

They might end up on the heater as a result instead of the guard.

Are they going on it because it's shady? Because the flow? Because of the food stuck in the grate? Because there's not other surfaces for them to graze on during the day that is shady?

Shake out the filter in your tank and see howuch gunk comes out. If it's bad I usually unplug it, wait 20-30 minutes for it to cool and then take it to a sink and deep clean it.

If you're not sure about the scape, just send a photo and we can check it out. I still owe you a video.

I have a 10g small hob the fornza 5-15 knock off. Flow is slow bc of betta. Blind betta partially may I add.

I have a aquarium coop sponge filter.

I have cholla wood, serticula pod and lotus pod. I have tons of other botanicals. Heater is on an ink bird set at 75. I have some plants live and some fake.

I do have a small led bc of live plants.

four ghost shrimp stay out the 10 amanos added a week or so ago are rarely seen. Four ghost added yesterday a pet store and hour away had big full size ones

I did a small water change and cleaned my hob the sponge filter was clean a few weeks ago.


I have crushed coral mixed with gravel bc I had oh issues. I also added a shrimp water conditioner by Aqueon.


they have tons of bio film and bba to eat plus I feed.


but I see when going in and out of the plastic heater guard. Like going down inside it not outside but actually inside the space between heater and guard. No food I’m grate but straight hiding in there.

the betta is interested in them but doesn’t flare or chase them. When they come face to face they hit him with their tentacles and he runs like a scared baby! 


tank 10g, heater w ink bird 75, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate between 5-10 hard to say what color, ph 7.6 kh 40, gh 75 total carbonate 40, copper 0, iron 0, ( I have one of those drinking water test strips to get extra info, plus api and tetra strips.



my first shrimps I’m inexperienced 









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On 6/12/2022 at 8:29 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


Here's the video from this afternoon.

The sound is probably horrible because I'm using my phone, be sure to mute it!


A lot of them end up underneath the wood. For every 5-8 that you see there's 1-2 near them that you don't hiding. I'll try to grab one at night.

Thank you.  Video was perfect.

that makes sense bc I see some every now and again so I know they are in there. They have lots of hiding spot I made sure of that bc I didn’t know what the betta would do. First day they where out a lot and I’m just worried. My first go at shrimp 


I feel confident they are not being eaten. I did see one molt shell and I’m sure there is more under stuff that I don’t see

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i count four amanos and they are coming out a bit on day now.

I bought four ghost shrimp at a lfs and all died within two days except one and he is alive.

I started with 10 amanos and have found no dead bodies so they are in there hiding except the four or they ate the dead, lol


just wanted to give yoj an update 

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On 6/21/2022 at 6:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Very interesting! Hopefully they are doing well. You might see a few more during feeding.

So far the ghost shrimp is the only thing running for food.

the amanos are walking right by.

I have plenty of algae and biofilm and I’m feeding so they probably don’t know what to eat

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