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Platy Stocking Idea


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I have platies and otocinclus catfish (the cleanup crew).  Between the two, they keep the tank pretty clean and live very peacefully together. Note, you won't have just 6 platies for long. They breed quickly.  

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This is a good size tank for most corydoras, so consider a school of whatever flavor you like. A school of 10-20 rummynose tetra would be good to. Id also add a bristlenose pleco for algae control. Platies breed pretty easily so you might want to understock the tank in order to maximize the chance of fry surviving.

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I loved having my betta fish as a centerpiece in my community tank with platies and guppies to ensure almost no fry survive. A betta wouldn't be my first recommendation, since they're temperament can be hit or miss, but something predatory like dwarf gouramis, killifish or bolivian/german blue rams would eat up the fry well. Definitely get some bottom feeders in there! Can't beat a school of corydoras. 

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