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So I have the banana leaves in the shrimp feeding dishes. They have been in there since 8/7 and had been soaked a week so they’d have some biofilm. Today I have added some catappa pieces to the dish. Everybody is excited about the catappa and avoiding the banana leaf at all costs, except to use it as a bridge to get to more catappa. 😝

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Yesterday I aged a bucket of dechlorinated water so that today I can remove the carbon filters from the shrimp tanks. I was supposed to run carbon for one week but I ran it for two. Upon removal of this one, I found about 20 shrimplets in it. Maybe more; it’s still in the bucket and I will check again in a bit to see if I can find any more. I knew there would be shrimplets, but I didn’t think there would be THAT many!



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On 8/19/2023 at 5:06 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Note to self: this was not the best filter choice…

I think those are usually in tanks as a "set it forever" type of thing/  The UGF things MST has I mean, but it's a bit of a blessing you discovered it because there's a high chance some get stuck in there I would think.  Unfortunately, good to know this won't work. I was considering something similar.

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On 8/19/2023 at 9:20 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I think those are usually in tanks as a "set it forever" type of thing/  The UGF things MST has I mean, but it's a bit of a blessing you discovered it because there's a high chance some get stuck in there I would think.  Unfortunately, good to know this won't work. I was considering something similar.

I think it would be fine if the fine floss was on the top. Having the coarse on the top was my issue.

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On 8/20/2023 at 6:17 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I think it would be fine if the fine floss was on the top. Having the coarse on the top was my issue.

I think even 




biomedia or carbon (depending on your needs)

would work. Just not the coarse shrimplet hotel on top, lol. @nabokovfan87

Also the layers got gunked up, even in just 2 weeks, so I do not think it’s a set it forever type thing.

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So sometimes I give my shrimps "jobs".  Plant not doing so well?  Put in shrimp tank.  They clean off the bad parts.  Plant looks nice again.  Maybe they get to keep the plant; maybe I put it back into another tank. 

Then I noticed they are always eager to go after molts.  I figured they'd like a piece of cuttlebone perhaps for the calcium.  I am all out of cuttlebone, but I found a grungy piece in the 29 gallon.  I put that in the shrimp tank.  The next day it was sparkly clean as if I had just purchased it.  🙂  Good shrimpies.

If you ever wanted to clean ceramic media, they are good at that too.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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I have a healthy colony of Rhabdocoela in the wild tank again. Where do they come from? I didn’t think they survived the No Planaria?  I did see them alive during the treatment, then I stopped seeing them for 2 weeks or so (mainly during the carbon phase). I wonder if they had gone down into the substrate and just now decided to emerge again?  I did move a windelov to their tank yesterday, but I never see Rhabdocoela in the tank where that plant came from. I have to assume they’ve existed the whole time, I suppose, treatment and all?

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On 8/22/2023 at 6:30 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I have to assume they’ve existed the whole time, I suppose, treatment and all?

Yeah I would assume so.  I think it was the MST article that mentioned if there's too much in the substrate then you're going to have critters, especially in a shrimp tank.  Heavy siphons and hopefully that helps to clean things up.

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On 8/22/2023 at 10:36 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Yeah I would assume so.  I think it was the MST article that mentioned if there's too much in the substrate then you're going to have critters, especially in a shrimp tank.  Heavy siphons and hopefully that helps to clean things up.

I already did that. I don’t mind Rhabdocoela though.

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Someone is ill, but more likely, worse than that. I never assume so I setup a quarantine with heat and air. There is no odor, but also there are no reflexes, so this could be grim. This snail is old… all of them are at this point… 😞


I have been thinking about the lone shrimp in Geppetto’s tank (because I think he ate the other one). It stays in the cholla wood. That is no life for a shrimp. I don’t like to see a creature in isolation (fear) like that, so it has now joined my wild tank colony. I did a simple bag acclimation since the only difference is temperature. It immediately made a blue shrimp friend on a clump of moss.

The blue tank has a bit of an issue. Substrate seems pretty clean and was siphoned not too long ago. I believe this is an OD of bacter AE.

I will have to siphon again, but right now I’m preparing for the hurricane tomorrow. This is the substrate. It doesn’t look too bad, right?


And this is the spiderwood in the blue tank. I love how the algae is growing on this. It looks so natural.


The moss UFO has gotten more “fluffy” and always has shrimps hanging out on it, which is fun to see.



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On 8/29/2023 at 3:22 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Someone is ill, but more likely, worse than that. I never assume so I setup a quarantine with heat and air. There is no odor, but also there are no reflexes, so this could be grim. This snail is old… all of them are at this point… 😞


I have been thinking about the lone shrimp in Geppetto’s tank (because I think he ate the other one). It stays in the cholla wood. That is no life for a shrimp. I don’t like to see a creature in isolation (fear) like that, so it has now joined my wild tank colony. I did a simple bag acclimation since the only difference is temperature. It immediately made a blue shrimp friend on a clump of moss.

The blue tank has a bit of an issue. Substrate seems pretty clean and was siphoned not too long ago. I believe this is an OD of bacter AE.

I will have to siphon again, but right now I’m preparing for the hurricane tomorrow. This is the substrate. It doesn’t look too bad, right?


And this is the spiderwood in the blue tank. I love how the algae is growing on this. It looks so natural.


The moss UFO has gotten more “fluffy” and always has shrimps hanging out on it, which is fun to see.



Why mysteries have such short life span 😭

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On 8/29/2023 at 5:22 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

And this is the spiderwood in the blue tank. I love how the algae is growing on this. It looks so natural.

Looks better than mine, but that stuff in the sand loves to hide!  I usually don't know how bad it is until I am removing it.

On 8/29/2023 at 5:22 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The blue tank has a bit of an issue. Substrate seems pretty clean and was siphoned not too long ago. I believe this is an OD of bacter AE.


Nooooooooooooooooo! What a hassle. Hopefully it's not too difficult to deal with.

How easy or difficult is it to remove the algae?

On 8/29/2023 at 5:22 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

That is no life for a shrimp. I don’t like to see a creature in isolation (fear) like that, so it has now joined my wild tank colony. I did a simple bag acclimation since the only difference is temperature. It immediately made a blue shrimp friend on a clump of moss.

Very cool. 🙂

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On 8/29/2023 at 8:22 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Someone is ill, but more likely, worse than that. I never assume so I setup a quarantine with heat and air. There is no odor, but also there are no reflexes, so this could be grim. This snail is old… all of them are at this point… 😞


Sad news. My snail friend did not make it and I believe they had passed even before this quarantine. I would like to think that they had a wonderful time in my tank over the past year with their 6 friends eating lots of green beans and snellos and parasnailing together. 😭


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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